Desarrollo Gerencial 10(2): 5-8. July-December, 2018. DOI:
Management of teachers’ education in the area of Administration facing the
competitive and technological challenges of the XXI century
Yessica Muñoz-Reyes
Wendy Almendrales Escobar
Universidad Simón Bolívar, Barranquilla, Colombia.
Corruption, financial disequilibrium, unemployment, inflation, among other factors, have been the cause of the
general crisis in today’s society, they have produced a time lag for the economic, educational and social
development of Latin American countries. Colombia is not the exception to this set of problems, on the contrary, it
is a country that today has been hit by economic and financial difficulties, corruptive acts at a national
governmental level, drug trafficking, and a series of conflicts that have brought instability to the productive system
of the country, therefore affecting growth in as much as competitiveness, innovation and technology.
Facing these problems from the national government point of view, it is necessary to shape some educative
policies at a higher educational level. The Higher Educational Institutions, including technical and technological
must make reforms to their institutional structures, adapting them to market demands. That is why, inside general
parameters, the education of teachers must be included as a main cross sectional axis for student’s learning.
According to Rodriguez (2017) the curriculum goes beyond the discourse, since it must be a triad among
curriculum-education-culture, in which the complete teacher’s education is implanted in a labor and personal
environment. This educative formation have repercussions on the student’s academic process, using the evaluation
as a measuring strategy that allows to prove that the learning implemented on students has been interpreted in a
correct way (Silvera, 2016).
In front of the new educative trends that Higher Educational Institutions are facing today, are found
competitiveness, innovation and technology, as essential components for optimizing the student’s education and
mainly that of teachers. According to Gómez & Martinez (2014), the framework of an organizational structure must
respond to the inner needs, being flexible to the external environment and guaranteeing permanence in the
market. For this, it requires an innovating capacity through management of knowledge. That is why, universities
for being competitive must educate their human capital, in such a way, that through knowledge, new changes can
be made in order to transform society.
Desarrollo Gerencial 10(2), 5-8. July-December, 2018. DOI:
Likewise, technological influence has a positive impact on institutional competitiveness, and it may be said that
without the use of technological systems, the educational processes tend to be deficient. Aguilera, Colin &
Hernandez (2013) state that the influence of the Technologies of Information and Communication-TICs in these
processes generates greater competitiveness among the organizations. Therefore, implementing technological
processes allow universities to be at the front of the standards of national education.
In this sense, the opening of educational markets at an international level, has required that the institutes of
higher education become more competitive and innovating, in such a way that it is necessary to implement new
management models based on the quality of human talent. (Fábregas, 2013)
Continuing with the teacher’s education, it is necessary that from the department of human management, new
educative programs be designed, for teachers whose objectives point towards a comprehensive education that not
only contributes to strengthen student’s competences but also reflects on their personal lives.
The Higher Educational Institutions must educate suitable teachers for leadership, decision- taking, and
empowerment, that help student’s learning, so that they can become citizens sure of themselves, reflexive, with
high working values and society values, participative, creative, communicative, with a whole complex and
humanistic vision of the reality and carriers of a peace culture” (Ruedas, 2016, p.29)
From this point, it is required that the national entities of higher education can design policies of a greater
coverage, such as the promotion and participation of teachers to scholarship openings for postgraduate studies,
since every time there is a greater need for professionalizing them.
Finally, the implementation of pedagogical practices leading to the development of skills and competences in
the area of administration enable teachers to conduct student’s development not only at a professional stage, but
also in a personal setting, thus making significant contributions to society.
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