traditional methods to evaluate investments in property, plant, equipment and technology, most of the com-
panies apply the intended methods to evaluate investments in human talent training. In conclusion, they
consider thatqualiîżed personnel is needed to use and interpret the tools of evaluating investment options.
At the same time, Armando Urdaneta, Alberto Castellano & Ronald Prieto, show a research article
which aims to analyze the relationship that exists between the variation of implicit exchange rate and the
consumer price index from 1989 to 2014 in Venezuela. As a result, a high degree of association between
annual percentage change of type of change and the growth of the inîation rate was found. This increase
in the monetary liquidity, without an adequate counterpart in the level of international reserves, to the case
of the exchange rate, implies a non-ofîżcial currency devaluation and a general increase in the prices of
imported products. The decline in the real wages of workers and an imbalance in the balance of payments
also result as a consequence.
Also, Ana Maria Parente and Thomas Goda show a research article which aims to carry out a compara-
tive analysis of the behavior of Colombian exports not related to energy or fuels with nine countries in
different regions with average incomes in eight sectors. As a result, it was found that Colombia had one of
the weakest behaviors in the eight sectors, both in terms of exportsâ growth and exports as a part of PIB.
This is a result of a difîżcult recovery from the 2009 crisis, as it happened in other countries sampled, so it
is necessary to rethink the policy of exports promotion.
Then Diana Senior Rock and Gustavo Pacheco Castro, submitted an article whose central aim was to
characterize the current and future demand of human talent in the cluster in AtlĂĄntico (Col). As a result, it
was found that companies have great difîżculty îżnding dual training programs and a suitable human capital,
trained for speciîżc and transversal competences such as bilingualism, management of ICTâs, assertive deci-
sion making under pressure, team work, time management and identiîżcation and resolution of problems,.
Milena Johanna CujiĂąo Ibarra and Mario Enrique Uribe MacĂas present research which aims to analyze
the main strategies adopted throughout history and the impact from Velotax S.A. and Mercacentro compa-
nies. As a result, it was found that both companies have been subjected to a great extent to the inîuence of
the entrepreneur (manager), who has become the formulation of the strategy, depending on the time of cre-
ation and development, as well as the competitive environment in industry within each company operates.
In addition, Ramiro Gamboa Suarez, with his research article analyzes the management of organization-
al success as a tool of value to minimize the reluctance in SMEs. It is concluded that the strategic support,
the architecture of the organizational learning, the option of growth, and the construction of suggestions,