Educ. Humanismo, Vol. 17 - No. 29 - pp. 286-307 - Julio-Diciembre, 2015 - Universidad Simón Bolívar - Barranquilla, Colombia - ISSN: 0124-2121
Open access web technology for mathematics
learning in higher education*
Mari Carmen González-Videgaray
Rubén Romero-Ruiz
María del Rosario Hernández-Coló
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Recibido: 28 de enero de 2015 Aceptado: 21 de abril de 2015
Tecnologías web de acceso abierto para el
aprendizaje de matemáticas en la educación superior
Problems with mathematics learning, “math anxiety” or “statistics anxiety” among
university students can be avoided by using teaching strategies and technological
tools. Besides personal suffering, low achievement in mathematics reduces terminal
efciency and decreases enrollment in careers related to science, technology and
mathematics. This paper has two main goals: 1) to offer an organized inventory of
open access web resources for math learning in higher education, and 2) to explore
to what extent these resources are currently known and used by students and teach-
ers. The rst goal was accomplished by running a search in Google and then classi-
fying resources. For the second, we conducted a survey among a sample of students
(n=487) and teachers (n=60) from mathematics and engineering within the largest
public university in Mexico. We categorized 15 high-quality web resources. Most of
them are interactive simulations and computer algebra systems.
Los problemas en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas, como “ansiedad matemática”
y “ansiedad estadística” pueden evitarse si se usan estrategias de enseñanza y he-
rramientas tecnológicas. Además de un sufrimiento personal, el bajo rendimiento
en matemáticas reduce la eciencia terminal y decrementa la matrícula en carreras
relacionadas con ciencia, tecnología y matemáticas. Este artículo tiene dos obje-
tivos: 1) ofrecer un inventario organizado de recursos web de acceso abierto para
aprender matemáticas en la universidad, y 2) explorar en qué medida estos recursos
se usan actualmente entre alumnos y profesores. El primer objetivo se logró con un
perl de búsqueda en Google y una clasicación. Para el segundo, se condujo una
encuesta en una muestra de estudiantes (n=487) y maestros (n=60) de matemáticas
e ingeniería de la universidad más grande de México. Categorizamos 15 recursos
web de alta calidad. La mayoría son simulaciones interactivas y sistemas de álgebra
Key words:
Math anxiety, Web resource,
Free software, Video, Statistics.
Palabras clave:
Ansiedad matemática,
Recurso web, Software libre,
Video, Estadística.
Referencia de este artículo (APA): González-Videgaray, M. C., Romero-Ruiz, R. & Hernández-Coló, M. R. (2015). Open access web
technology for mathematics learning in higher education. En Revista Educación y Humanismo, 17(29), 286-307. http://dx.doi.
* Artículo vinculado al proyecto “Vientos de cambio: Estrategias y buenas prácticas en el uso de ambientes virtuales para la educación
superior” que hace parte del Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos para la Innovación y el Mejoramiento de la Enseñanza (PAPIME) de la
Dirección de Asuntos del Personal Académico de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
1. Actuaria por la UNAM, Maestra en Educación y Doctora en Ingeniería Industrial por la Universidad Anáhuac. Realizando postdocto-
rado en Independencia Intelectual en la Universidad Anáhuac.
2. Ingeniero Eléctrico y Electrónico e Ingeniero en Computación por la UNAM, especialista en Gestión Informática y Maestro en Tecno-
logías de Información por la Universidad Anáhuac.
3. Licenciada en Enseñanza de Inglés por la UNAM, Maestra en Educación por la UNID, Doctorante en Investigación y Docencia por el
Educ. Humanismo, Vol. 17 - No. 29 - pp. 286-307 - Julio-Diciembre, 2015 - Universidad Simón Bolívar - Barranquilla, Colombia - ISSN: 0124-2121
1. Introduction
Problems with mathematics learning have
negative consequences among university stu-
dents. These problems tend to undermine per-
ception of achievement, lower self-esteem, di-
minish welfare within school, and affect career
selection. Worse than that, there are even clini-
cal states identied as “math anxiety” (Ashcraft,
2002; Geist, 2010; Meece, Wigeld and Eccles,
1990) and “statistics anxiety” (Chew and Dillon,
2014; Onwuegbuzie and Wilson, 2003; Zeidner,
1991), with their own form of diagnoses, etiol-
ogy and treatment. These conditions have been
reported in Mexico (Garcia-Santillan, Moreno-
Garcia, Carlos-Castro, Zamudio-Abdala and
Garduño-Trejo, 2012; Tyteca, Parrilla and Mar-
tinez, 2013), and extend to undergraduates in
mathematics and related areas (Cardoso Espi-
nosa, 2012; Escalera-Chavez, Garcia-Santillan
and Venegas-Martinez, 2013; Espinosa, Lopez
and Mercado, 2012), where also students who
have chosen this area of knowledge struggle
with learning.
Personal suffering is not the only conse-
quence of math learning problems. Besides all
the above, scientic and technological knowl-
edge construction depends greatly on math
thinking (Andrade-Arechiga, Lopez and Pulido,
2013). Most scientic research has its basis on
statistical theory. Rigorous mathematical rea-
soning is fundamental to propose new ideas in
several scientic elds, and even qualitative re-
search makes use of mathematical notions. Prob-
lems in math learning hinder student selection of
science and technological careers, keeping them
away from scientic research. So, the fact of
being left behind in math learning has negative
consequences for any country’s development.
Mathematics learning is a global problem
and Mexico is not the exception. At the end of
2013, PISA 2012 results were published, show-
ing data that generates concern to our country.
On one hand, Mexico decreased from 419 points
in math in 2009, to 413 points in 2012. On the
other hand, it was found that “55 % of Mexican
students did not get the basic competence level
in mathematics” (OCDE, 2013). These are clear
indicators that math learning is still an important
challenge. Within international statistics, Mexi-
co is the last ranked country in the Organization
for Economic Co-operation and Development
(OECD), as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Math average in PISA 2012, by country
Source: (OECD, 2013)
opEn ACCEss wEb tEChnology For mAthEmAtiCs lEArning in highEr EduCAtion
As a consequence of the above, only 0.4598 %
of the undergraduate students in 2011-2012 were
matriculated in mathematics and statistics (AN-
UIES, 2013) in Mexico. Students commonly
avoid this eld of study because they anticipate
strong difculties with it. Henceforth, there are
few professionals in this area and many univer-
sity teachers belong to other related disciplines,
but mathematics. This also has consequences in
the teaching-learning process.
As this is a worldwide problem with different
magnitudes and perspectives, there are multiple
initiatives directed to attend this issue. Some of
them involve the use of technology and, above
all, new pedagogical ideas such as “active learn-
ing” (Freeman, et al., 2014), “ipping the class-
room” (Alvarez, 2012; Rath & Chung, 2013;
Tucker, 2012) and “minimally invasive educa-
tion” (Mitra & Rana, 2001) can be found. The
general approach of these views consists of hav-
ing teachers’ guidance and fostering students’
practice in class, while leaving lectures and oral
explanations to technological tools, such as vid-
eos or readings.
These pedagogical innovations require a sub-
stantial change of the teacher’s role. She or he
must be a kind of coach, capable of designing
challenging and meaningful activities. A teach-
er as well must help with errors, guide through
misconceptions, motivate, praise success, create
learning environments where students’ partici-
pation and discussions take place comfortably,
and develop a pleasant learning experience for
As it was mentioned before, lectures, oral or
written explanations, and repetitive exercises
can be left to technology. In fact, some tools that
might help do this work are already in the web.
All the boring, stressing and intimidating aspects
of learning can be lessen if students can get into
them whenever and wherever they decide to
do so. Learners can listen to clear explanations
and good examples in comfortable and private
spaces. Videos and animations can be stopped,
rewound or fast-forwarded as needed. It is also
possible to practice with a wide variety of exer-
cises and try them out as many times as each stu-
dent wishes or needs. As they are working alone,
they will not feel ridiculous or silly in front of
their teacher and classmates. They will not re-
ceive offensive commentaries or suffer from bul-
For instance, Lloyd and Robertson (2012)
have shown that screencasts or videos on how to
use statistics software, are effective in teaching
statistics to psychology students. Web tutorials,
examples, lectures (Kay & Kletskin, 2012) and
animations (Taylor, Pountney, & Baskett, 2008)
tend to be perceived as attractive by learners.
Garcia et al. (2014) propose the incorporation of
algebra computer systems or CAS, not only to
the learning processes, but to assessment as well.
They suggest that this incorporation has a posi-
tive effect on developing valuable competences
among students. Other authors (Shaffer, 2006)
advise the use of immersive games or digital en-
vironments to teach math. These novelties can
engage students and make learning more attrac-
Educ. Humanismo, Vol. 17 - No. 29 - pp. 286-307 - Julio-Diciembre, 2015 - Universidad Simón Bolívar - Barranquilla, Colombia - ISSN: 0124-2121
mAri CArmEn gonzálEz-vidEgArAy, rubén romEro-ruiz, mAríA dEl rosArio hErnándEz-Coló
In fact, Garcia et al. (2014) point out that
there has been a qualitative leap in math teach-
ing in the last thirty years, within the Euro-
pean Community, thanks to new technologies,
of course, but also to appropriate legislative
frames. This is not Mexico’s situation because
most teachers continue using old teaching prac-
tices, even though the existence of an interesting
and diverse offer of web resources designed to
support math learning.
High cost is one of the barriers for the use
of technology in class. However, due to recent
worldwide initiatives as the Budapest Open Ac-
cess Initiative (Open Society Institute, 2002),
and the Free Software Foundation (Europe,
2014), among some others, there is a trend to
offer high-quality open access web resources.
They are usually free and their developers either
receive grants or charge users for additional ser-
vices such as consulting, customizing or expand-
ing benets.
In the case of mathematics learning, there are
several open access web resources aimed to sup-
port learning. These resources are free, accessi-
ble via internet and easy to use, but their quality
has to be assessed in order to use them appro-
priately. Once we have a categorized inventory
of this kind of technology, it will be possible to
study the extent they are currently being used.
Thus, we propose two main hypotheses. The rst
one is that there is an interesting set of open ac-
cess web resources with the potential to promote
math learning. The second one is that university
teachers and students are not yet conscious that
the use of these tools can change math teaching
and foster math learning.
So, this paper has two main goals. 1) To build
an inventory of open access web resources that
can help undergraduate mathematics learning
in different ways. These resources are catego-
rized by their kind of learning support, topics
covered and language (English and/or Spanish).
2) To conduct a survey of the use of these re-
sources among students and teachers from the
most important public university of Mexico,
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico or
UNAM. We only selected students and teach-
ers of mathematics and engineering, because we
suppose that they should be best informed about
these resources than people from other areas,
and could, eventually, become intensive users of
them. In other words, our results could probably
be an over estimation of the characteristics of the
population of all undergraduates.
Thus, our aim is to produce a synthetic –al-
though probably not exhaustive– view of open
access web resources intended to foster math
learning. Even though these tools change and
get better every day, the inventory could be used
as a starting point to assess the possible benets
of this technology. Also we offer a panorama of
how these resources are used in one of the larg-
est and most important public universities in
Educ. Humanismo, Vol. 17 - No. 29 - pp. 286-307 - Julio-Diciembre, 2015 - Universidad Simón Bolívar - Barranquilla, Colombia - ISSN: 0124-2121
opEn ACCEss wEb tEChnology For mAthEmAtiCs lEArning in highEr EduCAtion
2. Material and Methods
2.1. Open Access Web Resources Review
In order to locate open access web resources
aimed to promote math learning, we ran the fol-
lowing search in Google: (online OR web OR
digital OR internet OR computer) AND (learn-
ing OR teaching OR instruction OR knowledge)
AND (math OR algebra OR calculus OR “dif-
ferential equations” OR statistics OR geometry).
The search was run in Spanish and in some vari-
ants of both languages (English and Spanish) as
To be selected in our inventory, web resourc-
es had to:
Have an educational purpose.
Offer undergraduate mathematical high-qual-
ity content.
Be free and open access.
Be functional within the web browser.
• Contain or show few and far between com-
mercial ads.
Show image and text balanced content.
Be displayed in English and/or Spanish.
Once collected, web sites were categorized by:
The kind of learning support: a) computer al-
gebra system or CAS; b) interactive simula-
tions; c) graphic visualizations; d) videos.
The topic covered: a) Algebra; b) Linear
algebra; c) Numeric analysis; d) Calculus; e)
Differential equations; f) Statistics; g) Analytic
geometry; h) Applied mathematics; i) Discrete
mathematics; j) Mathematics for computer sci-
ence; k) Modeling and simulation; l) Combina-
torial optimization; m) Probability.
Their language: a) English; b) Spanish; c)
Both English and Spanish.
2.2. Survey Sample Frame
Survey sample sizes (Table 1) were deter-
mined based on population sizes during the
autumn-winter cycle 2013-II at Facultad de Es-
tudios Superiores Acatlán (Acatlan Faculty of
Higher Studies), the largest of UNAM’s multi-
disciplinary campi, located in the north zone of
Mexico City. Students and teachers who were at
the Faculty at that time and who were willing to
respond answered the questionnaires. So, sam-
ples were not completely randomized.
We sampled the three careers that belong to
the area of Mathematics and Engineering: Actu-
ary, Civil Engineering and Applied Mathematics
and Computing (MAC). Sample sizes were re-
lated to our practical possibilities. They provide
a margin of about 6 % of error and a condence
level of 90 %, which are acceptable for explor-
atory studies such as this.
Table 1. Study sample frame
Actuary 1061 160 82 20
1084 160 104 20
MAC 1386 167 99 20
Total 3531 487 285 60
2.3. Questionnaires
Two questionnaires were designed, one for
students and one for teachers. The following
data were collected:
Educ. Humanismo, Vol. 17 - No. 29 - pp. 286-307 - Julio-Diciembre, 2015 - Universidad Simón Bolívar - Barranquilla, Colombia - ISSN: 0124-2121
mAri CArmEn gonzálEz-vidEgArAy, rubén romEro-ruiz, mAríA dEl rosArio hErnándEz-Coló
Students: Career; semester; shift (morning or
afternoon); sex; level of knowledge and use
of web resources within a Likert scale with
four options: 0 = I do not know it, 1 = I know
it but I have never used it, 2 = I have used
it from time to time, 3 = I use it frequently;
other web resources that you want to add.
Teachers: Career studied by teacher;
subject(s) taught; level of knowledge and use
of web resources within a Likert scale with
four options: 0 = I do not know it, 1 = I know
it but I have never used it, 2 = I have used
it from time to time, 3 = I use it frequently;
other web resources that you want to add.
2.4. Survey Administration
To administer the survey to students, we
showed up in the classrooms and asked each
teacher for permission. All of the teachers
granted permission. Students attending class an-
swered the printed version of the questionnaire.
As for teachers, they were asked to willingly
respond the questionnaire. Even though partici-
pants remained anonymous, it is possible that
teachers did not feel comfortable answering the
questionnaire because the administrator could
easily identify them.
2.5. Survey Descriptive Statistics
A database was built in Excel with the ques-
tionnaires’ answers. Likert scale average was
calculated for each web resource, within each
sample group. These averages were presented in
bar charts. A list of other suggested web resourc-
es was added to the end of the results.
3. Results
3.1. Open Access Web Resources Review
Fifteen open access math web resources with
the characteristics explained in Section 2.1 t the
search prole. They are shown in Table 2 in al-
phabetical order, with their correspondent URL.
Table 2. Open access math web resources in alphabetical order
Web Resource URL
1. Descartes
2. GapMinder
3. GeoGebra
4. Khan Academy
5. Math 2 Me
6. Maxima
7. MIT Mathlets
8. PhET Interactive Simulations
9. Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics
10. The Number Empire
11. OCW Videos
12. Virtual Laboratories in Probability and Statistics
13. Web Interface for Statistics Education
15. Wolfram Alpha
Educ. Humanismo, Vol. 17 - No. 29 - pp. 286-307 - Julio-Diciembre, 2015 - Universidad Simón Bolívar - Barranquilla, Colombia - ISSN: 0124-2121
opEn ACCEss wEb tEChnology For mAthEmAtiCs lEArning in highEr EduCAtion
Table 3. Web resources by their kind of learning support
Web Resource CAS Interactive Simulation Graphic Visualization Video
1. Descartes X
2. GapMinder X
3. GeoGebra X
4. Khan Academy X
5. Math 2 me X
6. Maxima X
7. MIT Mathlets X
8. PhET Interactive Simulations X
9. Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics X
10. The Number Empire X
11. OCW Videos X
12. Virtual Laboratories in Probability and Statistics X
13. Web Interface for Statistics Education X
15. Wolfram Alpha X
Total 5 6 1 3
Table 4. Web resources by the topic(s) they cover
a) Algebra; b) Linear algebra; c) Numeric analysis; d) Calculus; e) Differential equations; f) Statistics; g) Analytic geometry; h) Applied
mathematics; i) Discrete mathematics; j) Mathematics for computer science; k) Modeling and Simulation; l) Combinatorial optimization;
m) Probability
Web Resource a b c d e f g h i j k l m Total
1. Descartes X X X X X 5
2. GapMinder X 1
3. GeoGebra X X 2
4. Khan Academy X X X X X X X 7
5. Math 2 me X X X X X 5
6. Maxima X X X X X X X X 8
7. MIT Mathlets X 1
8. PhET Interactive Simulations X X 2
9. Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics X 1
10. The Number Empire X X X X 4
11. OCW Videos X X X X X X X X X X X X 12
12. Virtual Laboratories in Probability and Statistics X X 2
13. Web Interface for Statistics Education X 1
14. WIRIS X X X X X X X X 8
15. Wolfram Alpha X X X X X X X X 8
Total 9 6 4 8 6 12 8 2 1 1 1 1 8
Educ. Humanismo, Vol. 17 - No. 29 - pp. 286-307 - Julio-Diciembre, 2015 - Universidad Simón Bolívar - Barranquilla, Colombia - ISSN: 0124-2121
mAri CArmEn gonzálEz-vidEgArAy, rubén romEro-ruiz, mAríA dEl rosArio hErnándEz-Coló
Web resources were classied by their kind of
learning support and organized in Table 3. Most
of them are interactive simulations and CAS.
Table 4 shows web resources organized by
the topics they cover. OCW Videos cover more
topics than other resources, followed by three
CAS: Maxima, WIRIS and Wolfram Alpha. In
turn, Statistics is the most covered topic, fol-
lowed by Algebra.
Finally, we present the categorization by lan-
guage, where we can see that there are two web
resources in Spanish, ve in English and Span-
ish, and eight in English.
Table 5. Web resources by language
Spanish English &
1. Descartes X
2. GapMinder X
3. GeoGebra X
4. Khan Academy X
5. Math 2 me X
6. Maxima X
7. MIT Mathlets X
8. PhET Interactive
9. Rice Virtual Lab in
10. The Number Empire X
11. OCW Videos X
12. Virtual Laboratories in
Probability and Statistics
13. Web Interface for
Statistics Education
15. Wolfram Alpha X
Total 2 5 8
3.2. Student’s Survey
As Figure 2 shows, Actuary students are
relatively familiarized with Wolfram Alpha and
somewhat less with GeoGebra, Maxima and
Math 2 me. The other web resources are practi-
cally unknown to them; they have indexes near
Regarding Civil Engineering students, they
practically do not recognize nor use any of the
web resources listed (Figure 3).
Within MAC career students’ results, Wol-
fram Alpha and GeoGebra stand out (Figure 4).
The rest of the resources present low values.
3.3. Teacher’s Survey
According to Figure 5, Actuary teachers are
somewhat familiarized with GeoGebra and Wol-
fram Alpha. The third more known value corre-
sponds to Descartes.
Civil Engineering teachers report, like the
students’ case, that they are unaware of almost
all math web resources (Figure 6).
Finally, MAC teachers know about Wolfram
Alpha and GeoGebra (Figure 7). They practi-
cally do not know or use other resources.
3.4. Other Resources Suggested by Respon-
With respect to the open question where they
could add some other web resources which can
contribute to mathematics learning, participants
Educ. Humanismo, Vol. 17 - No. 29 - pp. 286-307 - Julio-Diciembre, 2015 - Universidad Simón Bolívar - Barranquilla, Colombia - ISSN: 0124-2121
opEn ACCEss wEb tEChnology For mAthEmAtiCs lEArning in highEr EduCAtion
Figure 2. Average knowledge of math web resources of Actuary students
Figure 3. Average knowledge of math web resources of Civil Engineering students
Figure 4. Average knowledge of math web resources of MAC students
Educ. Humanismo, Vol. 17 - No. 29 - pp. 286-307 - Julio-Diciembre, 2015 - Universidad Simón Bolívar - Barranquilla, Colombia - ISSN: 0124-2121
mAri CArmEn gonzálEz-vidEgArAy, rubén romEro-ruiz, mAríA dEl rosArio hErnándEz-Coló
Figure 5. Average knowledge of math web resources of Actuary teachers
Figure 7. Average knowledge of math web resources of MAC teachers
Educ. Humanismo, Vol. 17 - No. 29 - pp. 286-307 - Julio-Diciembre, 2015 - Universidad Simón Bolívar - Barranquilla, Colombia - ISSN: 0124-2121
opEn ACCEss wEb tEChnology For mAthEmAtiCs lEArning in highEr EduCAtion
Figure 6. Average knowledge of math web resources of Civil Engineering teachers
mentioned: Octave, a high-level interpreted lan-
guage, primarily intended for numerical compu-
tations; Cinderella, an interactive geometry soft-
ware; self-teaching tools developed by UNAM;
Scilab, an open source software for numerical
computation; Winplot, a general-purpose plot-
ting utility, which can draw (and animate) curves
and surfaces presented in a variety of formats;
Mathcad, proprietary software for engineering
calculations; Scientic Workplace, a commer-
cial mathematical word processor; Statgraphics
Online, a commercial statistical package that
runs within a web browser; EViews, solutions
for forecasting, econometrics and simulation;
GrafEq, a program for producing graphs of im-
plicit equations and inequalities; NumPy, a pack-
age for scientic computing with Python; SciPy,
a Python-based ecosystem of open-source soft-
ware for mathematics, science, and engineering;
SymPy, a Python library for symbolic mathemat-
ics; Scholastic, with solutions for prime math-
ematics; and some other educational software
products as Prezi or Hot Potatoes.
4. Discussion
4.1. Open Access Web Resources Inventory
In order to accomplish one of the objectives
of this paper, and with the help of our search
strategy, we built an open access math web re-
sources inventory. It includes fteen high-qual-
ity items, useful for learning mathematics in
higher education, Most of them are interactive
simulations and CAS, and the rest are videos and
graphic visualizations. This is really interesting
because all of them can support the idea of active
math learning as stated in Freeman, et al. (2014).
Development of HTML5, Java applets and new
programming languages has contributed to the
creation of this kind of resources.
There is an almost natural relationship be-
tween interactive simulations and mathematics.
Simulations are based on mathematical probabi-
listic processes. Maybe this is due to the fact that
most open access web math resources are inter-
active simulations. Besides, math learning im-
plies comprehension and practice, and both can
be promoted by engaging simulations, where the
student can experiment, devise causal relation-
ships and even play with mathematical artifacts.
Some studies (Ray, 2013; Siddique, Ling, Rob-
erson, Xu & Geng, 2013) report that interactive
simulations can be effective in promoting math
learning and high order thinking, but more work
is needed in this area.
The use of CAS in math teaching is an im-
portant –and somewhat polemic– issue. As it can
be seen, ve open access CAS, which are very
useful and well designed, were found. Recently,
Marshall et al. (2012, p.423) stated that “emerg-
ing technologies such as computer algebra sys-
tems (CAS) brought with them the potential to
shape new directions in the teaching and learn-
ing of mathematics”. Part of our study is directed
precisely to see if these new teaching directions
are being considered in UNAM FES Acatlan.
In particular, Wolfram Alpha is, as indicated
in its web site, a very powerful “computational
Educ. Humanismo, Vol. 17 - No. 29 - pp. 286-307 - Julio-Diciembre, 2015 - Universidad Simón Bolívar - Barranquilla, Colombia - ISSN: 0124-2121
mAri CArmEn gonzálEz-vidEgArAy, rubén romEro-ruiz, mAríA dEl rosArio hErnándEz-Coló
knowledge engine”. It can solve analytic equa-
tions, not only numerical operations, with a
very easy and intuitive notation, from arithme-
tic operations and basic algebra, to differential
equations, everything within a web browser. It
displays solutions, as well as the required pro-
cesses to get to them. It creates nice and useful
graphics. It even works in an iPhone, paying a
small fee for the service. All these advantages,
make us reect on our actual teaching and learn-
ing processes. As a result, we need to give a seri-
ous thought to the idea of including Wolfram Al-
pha in our daily practice. Even though this might
sound appropriate or even needed, it is an idea
that requires further discussion.
Regarding other resources, it is remarkable
that OCW and Khan Academy provide videos
of almost every math undergraduate topic. In
the rst case, we can nd complete lectures, one
or two hours long, with speakers of the highest
quality at the Massachusetts Institute of Technol-
ogy. It is a really nice opportunity to take some
lessons directly from the very authors of classic
textbooks, such as Linear Algebra with Professor
Gilbert Strang. In the second case, Salman Khan
has developed a novel teaching approach, with
short and clear videos of each particular topic.
This kind of presentation is consistent with the
idea of “learning objects” and their desirable
properties (Gonzalez-Videgaray, Hernandez-
Zamora & Del-Rio-Martinez, 2009), since they
are brief and self-contained. This allows students
to select the exact video they need to fulll a cer-
tain goal, and to watch it many times. The oppor-
tunity to watch it as much as needed, provides
the students with extra practice, and in some
cases, this might help avoid exasperating the
teacher or suffering bullying from other class-
mates. Besides, learners can watch them when-
ever and wherever they want (Parslow, 2012), in
a private and comfortable environment, from a
computer or a mobile device. Another advantage
of this kind of videos is that they can reach a
large number of students (Heckel, Bach, Richert
& Jeschke, 2012), which is generally the case at
Mexican public universities.
Maybe a special instance within web resourc-
es is GapMinder, an initiative of Hans Rosling,
a Swedish professor of global health. He con-
structed a site that combines statistics with dy-
namic animation, beauty and social awareness.
He provides visualizations of important country
indicators, making easy to identify causal rela-
tionships (Lodha, Gunawardane, Middleton &
Crow, 2009) and their behavior through time.
This site presents real and signicant data, which
can contribute to engage students in statistics
learning. Rosling’s software, called Trendalyzer,
is now used by the most important statistics or-
ganism in Mexico to display demographic data:
the National Institute of Statistics and Geogra-
phy (INEGI, 2014). Even though trend animation
seems to be exciting and enjoyable for students,
it is possible that sometimes they lead to inter-
pretation errors (Robertson, Fernandez, Fisher,
Lee & Stasko, 2008). These ideas deserve to be
further researched.
Educ. Humanismo, Vol. 17 - No. 29 - pp. 286-307 - Julio-Diciembre, 2015 - Universidad Simón Bolívar - Barranquilla, Colombia - ISSN: 0124-2121
opEn ACCEss wEb tEChnology For mAthEmAtiCs lEArning in highEr EduCAtion
We found that there are web resources for
the most common topics of undergraduate math-
ematics programs. So, we denitively believe
that it is possible to combine them with other
teaching strategies. In particular, OCW Videos
cover almost all the topics that are usually found
in a mathematics program. This is understand-
able because they intend “to publish all of our
course materials online and make them widely
available to everyone”, as it is written in their
web site (MIT, 2014). This is splendid, but as
the videos are actual lectures, anyone could ar-
gue that they are not technically nor pedagogi-
cally designed to be watched via internet with
a learning objective in mind. In spite of that,
these resources have beneted learners, includ-
ing “informal learners” and “independent learn-
ers” (Carson, Kanchanaraksa, Gooding, Mulder
& Schuwer, 2012).
The results showed that the topic with more
available web resources is statistics. Our ndings
are consistent with the meta-analysis of Sosa et
al. (2011) and with Symanzik & Vukasinovic
(2003), who consider that the high number of
web resources about statistics is due to the large
offering of data, statistics calculators, software
and other internet tools. This, in turn, can be ex-
plained because this topic is included in most
majors and careers. One reason of this inclusion
is that this subject is required to learn about re-
search techniques and methods, especially quan-
titative research. Another reason is, perhaps, that
statistical thinking is an important skill essen-
tial to be a more prepared and complete citizen
nowadays. As Australians say in their Statisti-
cal Declaration (Australian Bureau of Statistics,
2008): “The ability to understand and evaluate
statistics that permeate our daily lives is an es-
sential building block of basic numeracy skills.
Improving statistical skills should be part of the
curriculum in all levels of education, as well as
in training programs in government, business
and the wider community”. It is remarkable that
in the entire world a big effort has been done
to improve statistical literacy (Schield, 2004).
In Latin America and Spain there is important
research on this issue, conducted by Batanero
(2004) and some others.
Statistics is followed by algebra, which is not
surprising because it is also part of many curri-
cula in higher education. Since 2003, an effective
performance in algebra through a combination
of self-regulated learning and the use of CAS has
been reported (Kramarski & Hirsch, 2003) and,
of course, CAS were designed to precisely make
improvements on this topic. Today they even
have a greater potentiality. Algebra is considered
a “foreign language” to some students. They
struggle with mysterious characters that repre-
sent numbers, but simultaneously, can be oper-
ated as numbers considering certain rules that
are usually memorized without comprehending
them. Certain students write numbers instead of
letters, in order to get a better understanding, so
it is now challenging to have an “algebraic cal-
culator” for a change.
In respect of the languages in which the web
Educ. Humanismo, Vol. 17 - No. 29 - pp. 286-307 - Julio-Diciembre, 2015 - Universidad Simón Bolívar - Barranquilla, Colombia - ISSN: 0124-2121
mAri CArmEn gonzálEz-vidEgArAy, rubén romEro-ruiz, mAríA dEl rosArio hErnándEz-Coló
resources are available, it was a pleasant surprise
to nd that there are two in Spanish and ve in
English and Spanish. The rest are in English and
that is in many cases an obstacle for some poten-
tial users in Latin America. The Mexican govern-
ment has made some efforts to include English
as a mandatory subject in public schools, but it
will be taught in all public schools until 2018 (La
Redaccion, 2011). However, within our study, it
is important to point out that all mathematics and
engineering university students must display an
English prociency diploma as a requirement to
obtain their B.A. degrees; unfortunately, many
undergraduate students do not get their language
diplomas on time. By the time these students n-
ish school and incorporate to real life jobs, they
cannot make any improvements in their profes-
sional practice because they have not fullled
this requirement.
Several OCW Videos have Spanish subtitles.
Statistical machine translation continues its
development (Koehn, 2010) and it surely will
help with this matter soon. Besides, Carlos Slim
–Mexican entrepreneur and one of the wealthiest
men in the world– is now supporting the Spanish
translation of Salman Khan videos (Fundacion
Carlos Slim, 2013). Considering this, it is pos-
sible now to really ip our classroom’s dynamic,
by leaving some of the traditional blackboard
explanations to these videos. Obviously, this can
only be possible if there is access to computers
and internet. About 38.4 % of the population in
Mexico (Grupo del Banco Mundial, 2014) has
this opportunity, and almost all of undergraduate
students are considered in this percentage.
In addition to our inventory, the survey re-
spondents suggested some interesting resources.
We are conscious that our search prole took
only a still photograph and captured just a few
items of a richer world of possibilities. More and
better math web resources are being developed
constantly and some of them are open access.
Maybe it is important to be aware of this and
stay permanently updated. This represents addi-
tional work for both teachers and students and
implies to develop a lifelong learning capacity,
which seems to be a hallmark of the 21
We can conclude by mentioning that the in-
ventory of math web resources with open access
is rich, diverse, useful and interesting. We must
not forget that there are a lot of commercial or
proprietary resources that can also help promote
mathematics learning, but the existence of free
and accessible tools, available through inter-
net, represents good news to our country and to
Spanish-speaking countries in general.
4.2. Use of Web Resources
Once we have reviewed the inventory of
valuable web resources to foster math learning,
it is advisable to analyze how they are used in
our universities, if so. Survey results suggest
that, despite the variety of tools such as CAS,
video lectures, short video explanations, interac-
tions, visualization and animations, all of them
free and easily available, there is little knowl-
edge about them amongst teachers and students.
Therefore, their use is very limited, even in
mathematics and engineering careers, where one
could expect to be more acquainted with them.
Educ. Humanismo, Vol. 17 - No. 29 - pp. 286-307 - Julio-Diciembre, 2015 - Universidad Simón Bolívar - Barranquilla, Colombia - ISSN: 0124-2121
opEn ACCEss wEb tEChnology For mAthEmAtiCs lEArning in highEr EduCAtion
It seems that students and teachers from Ac-
tuary and Mathematic careers are somewhat
more familiarized with these resources than
those from Civil Engineering, possibly because
the rst ones make a more intensive use of com-
puters in their scholar work. Data does not pro-
vide enough evidence of a signicant difference
between teachers’ and students’ knowledge, as
all items got low values.
Wolfram Alpha and GeoGebra stand slightly
over other resources. As we noted before, Wol-
fram Alpha is a powerful knowledge engine,
capable of doing symbolic operations with sim-
ple or partial information. As for the second,
its acquaintance is possible due to the fact that
our Faculty hosts the GeoGebra Institute of the
UNAM (GeoGebra, 2014), but we then would
have expected much more. This resource is an
interactive free CAS, with thousands of free
resources and learning materials, from basic to
higher education, and there are reports about its
suitability to support learning in combination
with interactive white blackboards (Lavicza &
Papp-Varga, 2010) Cambridge, England [Papp-
Varga, Z] Eotvos Lorand Univ, Dept Comp Sci,
Budapest, Hungary
 Lavicza, Zsolt (re-
print author. Students and teachers at our Faculty
are aware of its existence but do not use it.
It is clear that open access math web re-
sources are poorly known and used within our
Faculty. There can be several reasons that might
explain these ndings. One possibility is that
teachers are using, instead, commercial tools
designed to promote math learning. However,
as far as we could establish by asking the cor-
respondent department, there are no software li-
censes or agreements of this kind in the Faculty.
Of course, it is possible –not at all desirable– that
some teachers and students are using illegal cop-
ies, but this practice would be eliminated with
the use of open access web resources.
Marshall et al. (2012) have stated that com-
mercial cost and difcult syntax are important
obstacles for the use of CAS. It is interesting to
see that both problems are practically inexistent
in Wolfram Alpha, which is free and allows a
very intuitive way of writing formulas. For in-
stance, it is possible to type “derive x2+4x+4”
to instantly get the result shown in gure 8; or
“plot normal” to watch the screen displayed in
Figure 9. This can explain why this web resource
is the most used by students. If one wants to see
step-by-step solutions, a Pro version is offered
with a cost of $4.99 USD per month or $45 USD
per year.
Figure 8. Derivative produced with Wolfram
Figure 9. Normal distribution variants elaborated
with Wolfram Alpha
Educ. Humanismo, Vol. 17 - No. 29 - pp. 286-307 - Julio-Diciembre, 2015 - Universidad Simón Bolívar - Barranquilla, Colombia - ISSN: 0124-2121
mAri CArmEn gonzálEz-vidEgArAy, rubén romEro-ruiz, mAríA dEl rosArio hErnándEz-Coló
Our results could also be linked to a general
lack of information literacy (American Library
Association, 1989) at the university. De Arenas
et al. (2004, p.459) have reported deciencies in
this kind of literacy in Mexico and Spain, that
they attribute “to educational bureaucracy, to
anachronistic ways of teaching that validate re-
liance on note-taking by students, on textbook-
based learning and on absorbing outdated infor-
mation”. Maybe teachers and learners are still
relying on traditional practices and have not
been interested in looking for new alternatives,
or maybe they have not developed good search
strategies that could help them nd these specif-
ic resources. As Rowlands et al. (2008) say, the
idea that digital natives and Google generation
are expert searchers is a “dangerous myth” and
there is “increasing evidence that students do not
use technology effectively when they conduct
research or communicate” (Katz, 2013, p.4).
Possibly, even when they are conscious of their
problems with mathematics, they do not con-
sider it a global problem and neither that there
are interesting learning alternatives within their
reach on the web.
Besides, our ndings can also be related to
deciencies of digital literacy as established by
Ng (2012): “Unless taught explicitly to use other
(educational) technologies, it is unlikely that
digital natives would think about educational
technologies”. Ng points out that students can
easily manage technologies if they are aware of
them and want to include them in their learning
process, but they do not look intentionally for
them. So, if teachers do not know about these re-
sources, it is almost impossible that students do.
Another possibility is that mathematics
teachers are slowly getting aware of the poten-
tial advantages of these resources. Maybe there
is some resistance to change and certain fear
of using these tools. We heard recently a math
teacher stating the importance of knowing how
to solve a square root manually. He said that if
a student were in a desert island, how would she
or he solve a square root without a computer?
The question we make is, would a student fac-
ing such circumstance be interested in solving
square roots? Maybe the central discussion point
is related to the concern expressed by Reed, Dri-
jvers & Kirschner (2010, p.1): “students may
learn only to manipulate the tools rather than
master the underlying concepts”. Of course,
the main goal of math learning is that the stu-
dent masters concepts, develops skills and feels
comfortable with mathematical thinking. Prob-
ably deeper work is required to show how web
tools can effectively foster math learning before
teachers actually adopt them. These studies will
let them realize the potential benets that em-
ploying mathematical computer tools in a class,
Within the course of this research, we had the
opportunity to see students’ and teachers’ reac-
tions to the survey. Some students took photo-
graphs of the questionnaire, in order to store the
resources inventory for subsequent use. Some
wondered about so many sites they did not know.
Educ. Humanismo, Vol. 17 - No. 29 - pp. 286-307 - Julio-Diciembre, 2015 - Universidad Simón Bolívar - Barranquilla, Colombia - ISSN: 0124-2121
opEn ACCEss wEb tEChnology For mAthEmAtiCs lEArning in highEr EduCAtion
Some others were worried because they did not
want their teachers to be conscious of this kind
of tools: students currently use them –particular-
ly Wolfram Alpha– to solve homework and they
want the teacher to think that they are still work-
ing with pencil and paper. In fact, they seemed a
bit upset with the research and the researchers.
Besides, several of them said they have passed
exams thanks to Khan Academy, and not thanks
to the teachers’ classes.
Teachers, in turn, took a defensive position.
They thought it was a kind of test or an assess-
ment on their actualization. Some of them were
curious, but some others were worried for not
knowing the web resources listed in the ques-
tionnaire. It will be interesting to apply the sur-
vey again soon and see if there are any changes.
Also, more research is needed on the teacher’s
perspective concerning these web resources
4.3. Limitations of our study
Our study was circumscribed to one campus
of the most important public universities in Mex-
ico; it would be valuable to replicate it in other
campi and considering other similar careers. The
questionnaires could be enriched with some of
the resources mentioned by the respondents and
with a more exhaustive search. Our research
was mainly quantitative and did not consider the
teachers’ and students’ positions on this subject.
4.4. Conclusions
Our study conrms the assertion of Marshall
et al. (2012, p.423): “In spite of the fact that a
growing number of international studies have
demonstrated that CAS-based instruction has
the potential to positively inuence the teaching
and learning of mathematics at various levels of
the education system, CAS has not been widely
implemented in schools and higher education in-
stitutions”. This seems to be true not only about
CAS, but other videos, interactions, animations
and simulations for undergraduate math learning
in the web, at the UNAM and probably at some
other universities in our country.
We have seen that there is a large amount of
varied, attractive and useful open access web
resources that can promote undergraduate math
learning, especially in English but also in Span-
ish. In order to exploit this opportunity, there are
some pre-requisites. We must promote informa-
tion and digital literacies, so every teacher and
student can nd effective tools to support math
learning. This is very important because there
are always novelties, so one must research for
them every now and then, to stay updated in this
subject. Besides, it is indispensable to be capable
of assessing and selecting the best tools for each
It is also essential, for our teachers and stu-
dents, to achieve prociency in English as a
second language. This will open up the range of
possibilities and allow a more active participa-
tion in learning. Of course, it is also desirable
that efforts should continue to translate or sub-
title existing resources, besides producing them
in Spanish.
Educ. Humanismo, Vol. 17 - No. 29 - pp. 286-307 - Julio-Diciembre, 2015 - Universidad Simón Bolívar - Barranquilla, Colombia - ISSN: 0124-2121
mAri CArmEn gonzálEz-vidEgArAy, rubén romEro-ruiz, mAríA dEl rosArio hErnándEz-Coló
In any case, it is imperative to subject to aca-
demic discussion the use of these web resources
within math undergraduate education processes.
With more than twenty years of experience, Gar-
cia et al. (2014) propose a model for the incorpo-
ration of CAS to the math learning process. This
model asks for three requirements: a) integrate
CAS to all learning and assessment activities,
b) motivate students to create tools and prob-
lem solutions of their own with the CAS, and c)
promote the use of CAS out of the specic math
subject, for instance, to solve chemistry or phys-
ics problems. Probably, the use of CAS in assess-
ments and tests continues to be the most polemic
issue (Marshall, et al., 2012) among teachers.
More discussion and research is needed about it.
The kind of dynamic visualizations offered
by these resources can beyond doubt help to
improve the experience of math learning, be-
cause they contrive to a better comprehension,
remembrance, inspiration and motivation in stu-
dents (Burewicz & Miranowicz, 2002). Besides,
it seems that there is no way back in the use of
these tools, which are each day more attractive,
efcient, powerful and easy to use.
We plan to continue studying why these web
resources are not properly disseminated, how
they are currently used, and what should be done
to promote their intelligent and critical use. We
need to reect on the implications of this use not
only for teaching strategies, but for the selec-
tion of contents that should be taught, as well.
In other words, these web resources compel us
to evaluate how we should teach, but also what
we should teach in mathematics. Maybe we must
reduce procedure and mechanical aspects in or-
der to enhance reection, approach and problem
solving, as well as real signicant applications
of math skills.
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