Ferney Asdrúbal Rodríguez Serpa
Educación y Humanismo 20(34): pp. 12-14. Enero-Junio, 2018.
ISSN 0124-2121
The University Simon Bolivar in its Moving
Around Research, Measurement and
Lawyer, Sociologist, Master in Procedural Law. PhD student in Philosophy with orientation in Political Science of the Univer-
sidad Autónoma of Nuevo
Leon, Monterrey, Mexico. Teacher-Researcher of undergraduate and postgraduate. Member of the Ibero-American Network of Alternative,
Transitional and Restorative Justice ATR Justice Network. Editor Revista Justicia
The far reaching changes that the University Simon Bolivar has had during
the last few decades in relation to science, technology and innovation, is not
the product of a last hour work, but a consequence of the institutional effort
made after understanding the global complex discourse that dynamizes scien-
tific research at the highest level. Therefore, the profits obtained today are the
effect of a better comprehension of how its dynamics work. Dynamics that in
essence, have researchers and teachers as the main actors of its institutional
Today, such efforts are not fruitless as occurred during the past, particularly in
the oncoming processes of science and technology of the 1980’s and 1990’s
when no doubt, we were pioneers in the Caribbean region, led by our founder
and emeritus professor José Consuegra Higgins, Apolo Aquiles Escalante,
Fernando Piñerez, Alberto Reales Utria, among other social scientists of the
time, and that are the generators of the early research work carried out by
this institution of further education. Additionally, it is relevant to highlight and
make visible the scientific production through the Journal of Ibero American
Development (Revista Desarrollo Indoamericano).
Now then, when I made reference to the sterility of efforts it may sound too
strong, however, it was real, it was a feeling of upset spread not only to our
university but also to other public and private institutions of higher education,
shortly, it was a poor problem of the system of science, technology and
Copyright © 2018 Rodríguez
innovation in Colombia during those times under the management of the old
Institute of Science and Technology.
Today’s fortune surpasses the sterility of the past, and the reason is due to the
existence of different indexes that make possible that scientific production
can be measured, and as a consequence, make possible the comparisons of
growth and stagnation among the institutions that belong to science and
technology, which are surely all, andeventually, is what allows the measurement
of the institutional existence at all levels. In this sense, the measurement of
research centers, groups of research, researchers and scientific journals has
permitted to differentiate the strengths and weaknesses of them, and has
allowed the generation of plans for the inner improvements of these centers.
Nonetheless, in this new logic, a homage is made to some outstanding
researchers of the past that have lived to enjoy the positive results of their
research work today, which means to say, that those researchers who have
had the fortune of their work being measured at the light of the new policies
of the National Department of Science, Technology and Innovation Francisco
José de Caldas, Colciencias; with this I can underline the qualification of
researchers Jairo Solano, Raimundo Caviedes, Jorge Bolívar Berdugo,
Gustavo Aroca, among others, who beforehand I apologize for not mentioning
them. On the other hand, I wish to highlight on our publishing system that
each time has become more systematic, rigorous, selective and
sophisticated, and has permitted to see not only the inner scientific
production, but also that one made in alliance with other institutions through
the scientific network at a national and international level.
In the specific case of the institutional scientific journals, it is worth mentioning
at this moment, the possibility of appreciating from the production analysis of
the last three years, strong trends of the everyday scientific production. For
this analysis, it is important to mention the trends marked by the Journals of
Education and Humanism, The Journal Psicogente, the Journal of Managerial
Development, and the Journal of Justice.
In relation to the first, in the Journal of Education and Humanism are relevant
the studies about, “A review of the Computer Adapted Evaluations (CAT)”
(2014, López., Sanmartín, & Méndez), the work Villalba (2016), about “A
positive life together at school”, Ibagón, (2015) on "Education, a right that
costs: fiscal dimension and its relation with the educational policy in Latin
America", Orostegui, Lastre, & Gaviria (2015) "The ethics of the teacher
related to the training in values of the student. Theoretical view ", Castillo &
Morales (2013)" Gender studies of new masculinities and / or movements of
parents for the joint custody of their sons and daughters ", Silvera, (2016)"
The evaluation and its incidence in the School desertion: Failure of a system,
educational institutions, teacher or student? "and Rodríguez, (2017)"
Curriculum, education and culture in the teacher training of the XXI century
from the complexity " in the same way in the Journal of Psicogente are worth
mentioning the works Enriquez., Fajardo., y Garzon (2015) about the topic
“A general review of the habits and techniques of study at the university
environment” and the study about “Irrational beliefs, the Burnout syndrome
and work addiction within organizations” (2016, Polo., Santiago., Navarro. &
On the part of the Journal of Managerial Development the research made on
family businesses is worth outlining, from there, the research on “Protocols: a
devise to measure conflicts in familiar businesses (2015, Giuseppe, & Perez)
and the research on “Caudal autotomy as a managerial strategy for organi-
zational change in familiar businesses” (2015, El Kadi; Pelekais; Robles. &
Leal). And finally, as concerns the Journal of Justice, we must underline the
work about “Truth and Justice when facing criminal proceedings” (2015,
Vicuña, & Castillo) and the work of (Mosquera, 2015), about the issue of “The
rights of sexual minorities: contemporary challenges of resocialization”.
Castillo, J. & Morales, H. (2013). Los estudios de género a las nuevas
masculinidades y/o los movimientos de padres por la custodia
compartida de sus hijos e hijas. Revista Educación y Humanismo,
15(24), 108-121
El Kadi, O., Pelekais, C., Robles, M. & Leal, M. (2015). Autotomía caudal
como estrategia gerencial para el cambio organizacional en empresas
familiares. Desarrollo Gerencial. Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias
Económicas, Administrativas y Contables, 7(1), 68-84.
Enríquez, M., Fajardo, M. & Garzón, F. (2015). Una revisión general a los
hábitos y técnicas de estudio en el ámbito universitario. Psicogente,
18(33), 166-187. http://doi.org/10.17081/psico.18.33.64
Ibagón, N. (2015). La educación, un derecho que cuesta: dimensión fiscal y
su relación con la política educativa en América Latina. Revista
Educación y Humanismo, 17(28), 29-37. DOI:
López, R., Sanmartín, P. & Méndez, F. (2014). Revisión de las evaluaciones
adaptativas computarizadas (CAT). Revista Educación y Humanismo,
16(26), 27-40.
Mosquera Rentería, J. (2015). Derechos de las minorías sexuales: retos
contemporáneos de la resocialización. Justicia, 28, 121-138.
Orostegui, M., Lastre, G. & Gaviria, G. (2015). La ética del profesor religada
a la formación en valores del estudiante. Mirada teórica. Revista
Educación y Humanismo, 17(29), 272-285. Doi:
Polo, J. D., Santiago, V., Navarro, M. C. & Alí, A. (2016). Creencias irracio-
nales, síndrome de Burnout y adicción al trabajo en las organizaciones.
Psicogente, 19(35), 148-160. http://doi.org/10.17081/psico.19.35.1215
Rodríguez, M. (2017). Currículum, educación y cultura en la formación
docente del siglo XXI desde la complejidad. Revista Educación y
Humanismo, 19(33), 425-440. DOI:
Silvera, L. (2016). La evaluación y su incidencia en la deserción escolar:
¿Falla de un sistema, de las instituciones educativas, del docente o del
estudiante? Revista Educación y Humanismo, 18(31), 313-325. DOI:
Vanoni, G. & Pérez, M. (2015). Protocolos: un instrumento para mediar
conflictos en empresas familiares. Desarrollo Gerencial. Revista de la
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables, 7(2),
81-99. http://dx.doi.org/10.17081/dege.7.2.1182
Vicuña, M. & Castillo, S. (2015). La verdad y la justicia frente a la prueba
en el proceso penal. Justicia, 27, 118-134. http://doi.org/10.17081/
Villalba, J. (2016). La convivencia escolar en positivo. Revista Educación y