Unusual clinical presentation of Guillain Barre syndrome: a
case report
Presentación clínica aguda inusual del síndrome de Guillain
Barre: A propósito de un caso
Submitted 13 Jun 2018
Accepted 19 Jun 2018
Published 06 Dec 2018
Editor in chief
Isaac Kuzmar
Academic editor
Vladimir Ospino
Corresponding author
Montaño - Lozada, JM,
DOI 10.17081/innosa.60
2018 - et al. Distributed
Creative Commons CC-BY
Montaño - Lozada, JM
,Licona, Erick.
,Marenco Gómez, Aristides
,Espejo - Zapata, LM
Montoya-Jaramillo Mario, Herrera, Felipe
Universidad del Sinú, Cartagena, Colombia,
Universidad Metropolitana, Barranquilla, Colombia.,
Unidad Central del Valle del Cauca, Tuluá, Colombia.,
Clínica Cartagena del mar, Cartagena, Colombia
Background: Guillen barre syndrome is the most frequent cause of flaccid paralysis in the
world, it is characterized by an acute demyelinating, autoimmune and multiple etiology
polyneuropathy, among which are included infectious agents such as Campylobacter
jejuni, Zika virus, of genetic and environmental factors.
Case Report: We present the case of a 56-year-old Colombian male patient with a history
of hypertension, who entered the intensive care unit with symptoms of atypical asymmetric
motor neurological compromise, which rapidly progressed to ventilatory failure and
subsequent confinement síndrome.
Discussion: Guillen barre síndrome establishes a potentially fatal disease, the semiology
of pain, paresthesia, symmetric-progressive, distal weakness, instability, hipo/areflexia,
constitute a neurological emergency. There are Clinical variants establishing a great.
Introducción: El síndrome de guillan barré es la causa más frecuente de parálisis flácida
en todo el mundo, se caracteriza por ser una polineuropatía aguda desmielinizante,
autoinmune y de etiología múltiple, entre los que se incluyen agentes infecciosos como el
campilobacter jejuni, virus del zika, además de factores genéticos y ambientales.
Caso clínico Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino de 56 años, colombiano, con
antecedentes de hipertensión arterial, quien ingresa a la unidad de cuidados intensivos
con síntomas de compromiso neurológico motor asimétrico atípico, el cual progresó
rápidamente a falla ventilatoria y posterior síndrome de enclaustramiento.
Discusión: El síndrome de guillan barré establece una enfermedad potencialmente mortal,
la semiología de dolor, parestesia, debilidad distal simétrica-progresiva, inestabilidad e
hipo/arreflexia, constituyen una emergencia neurológica. Existen variantes clínicas
estableciendo un gran reto diagnóstico, teniendo en cuenta que el tratamiento oportuno
podría tener relación directa con el pronóstico de la enfermedad.
Keywords Guillain-Barre Syndrome; Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy,;
Acute Inflammatory Polyneuropathies
Palabras clave Síndrome de Guillain-Barré; Polirradiculoneuropatía Desmielinizante
Inflamator; Polineuropatía Inflamatoria Aguda
How to cite this article: Montaño - Lozada, JM, Licona. Erick, Marenco Gómez, Aristides, Espejo - Zapata, LM, Montoya-Jaramillo Mario, Herrera,
Felipe. Presentación clínica aguda inusual del síndrome de Guillain Barre: A propósito de un caso. Ciencia e Innovación en Salud. 2018; e60:1-6.
DOI 10.17081/innosa. 60
Guillain Barré syndrome (GBS), described in 1916 by Charles Guillain
(Kusunoki, 2015), is currently the most frequent cause of flaccid paralysis in the
world and constitutes a neurological emergency (Nayak, 2017). It is related to
autoimmune response characterized by progressive paralysis of the extremities, acute
areflexia and cytosolic albuminous dissociation (CAD) in cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF)
Doctor, Alexander, Radunovic, 2018), eventually preceded by respiratory tract
infections (58%), gastrointestinal (22%) (De Wals, Deceuninck, Toth, Boulianne,
Brunet, Boucher, Landry, De Serres, 2012) even certain vaccines (Sejvar,
Baughman, Wise, Morgan, 2011). The GBS incidence is between 0.8-1.9 cases/
100,000 inhabitants (Van den Berg, Bunschoten, van Doorn, Jacobs, 2013)
Mortality can reach up to 5% of cases, despite treatment with immunotherapy or
plasmapheresis (Yuki, H.-P., 2012) within the forms of expression of GBS are described
clinically variants associated with anti-ganglioside antibodies (GM1, GD1a, GT1a,
GQ1b) including: Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy and its facial
variant (diplegia and facial paresthesia), acute motor axonal neuropathy and its extensive
form (acute motor sensory axonal neuropathy, multifocal neuropathies due to acute
conduction block), pharynx-cervical-brachial variant, Miller Fisher syndrome, its incomplete
form (acute ophthalmoparesis without ataxia), acute ataxic neuropathy (without
ophthalmoplegia) and an even more rare variant, Bickerstaff's brainstem (Etxeberria,
Lonneville, Rutgers, Gille, 2012).
A 56-year-old male patient, Colombian, with a history of high blood pressure, who was
admitted to the emergency department due to clinical symptoms of 1 hour of evolution
characterized by paresthesia’s in the left side of the face with deviation of the labial
commissure to the right, weakness of the left cerebral brachium of progressive behavior; as
related, she reported an episode 15 days prior of liquid diarrhea without signs of dysentery
and uncalcified fever, symptoms that had spontaneous resolution without drug treatment.
Upon physical examination, there was an increase in blood pressure, dyspnea, afebrile,
alertness, oriented, with judgmental and conserved reasoning, fluent, coherent language,
adequate executive function, cranial nerves: with clinical evidence of paralysis of the left
seventh cranial nerve, Bell sign positive score House Brackmann: IV / VI. Not finding other
alterations of the cranial pairs. Dynamictaxi with evidence of a Parética march requiring
support, score Daniels for strength in the left upper limb 2/5, ipsilateral lower limb 3/5, right
hemibody 5/5, preserved surface and deep sensitivity, normal osteotendinous reflexes (++ /
++++), without pathological reflexes.
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Normal cerebral tomography (CT), laboratory tests, normal chest radiograph,
electrocardiogram without alterations. The diagnostic possibility of cerebrovascular event
was raised, however, after 5 hours of evolution, it presents dysphagia for fluids, areflexia,
generalized weakness and acute respiratory distress, it is transferred to the intensive care
unit (ICU) where it presents a ventilatory failure requiring orotracheal intubation.
On day 2 in the ICU, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was performed, cervical, dorsal
and lumbar spine without abnormal findings. A lumbar puncture (LP) showed cerebro-
spinal fluid of normal characteristics. Given the clinical context, GBS was suspected,
neurophysiology studies were carried out, confirming the diagnosis. On the 3rd day of stay
in ICU plasmapheresis begins. On the 4th day the progression continues in the
neurological deterioration conditioning an enclosure syndrome maintaining communication
through the ocular movements managing to manifest conservation of sensitive levels,
without changes at the motor level; On the 5th day, signs of an acute systemic
inflammatory response begin, a broad-spectrum antibiotic is initiated due to aspiration /
nosocomial pneumonia. On the 6th day of stay in the ICU after his third plasmapheresis
session, he had a torpid evolution, multiorgan failure, cardiorespiratory arrest and death.
Necropsy was not authorized by relatives
GBS is an acute polyneuropathy of autoimmune response with heterogeneous clinical
manifestations, which is the most frequent flaccid paralysis in the world (Webb, Brain,
Wood, Rinaldi, Turner, 2015). Most of the studies that estimate GBS incidence rates were
conducted in Europe and the USA, showing a range of 0.8-1.9 (median1: 1) cases /
100,000 persons per year. The annual incidence of GBS increases with age (0.6 / 100,000
children year and 2.7 / 100,000 people over 80 years), slightly more frequent in men than
women (Yuki, Kokubun, Kuwabara, Sekiguchi , Ito , Odaka , Hirata ,Notturno , Uncini,
2012) The case presented is consistent with a small percentage of patients described in
the world literature, in the case of a 56-year-old male patient with acute atypical
symptoms, asymmetric weakness with osteotendinous reflexes present. Studies have
succeeded in demonstrating GBS variability with normal or hyper-excitable
osteotendinous reflexes during the clinical course of the disease in approximately 10%
of patients (Fokke, van den Berg, Drenthen, Walgaard, van Doorn, Jacobs, 2014)
Scientific evidence associates respiratory or gastrointestinal tract symptoms up to 4 weeks
before the start of GBS (Musso, Cao-Lormeau, Gubler, 2015) and infectious
processes of microorganisms isolated in the laboratory such as Campylobacter jejuni,
cytomegalovirus, Epstein Bar virus, Influenza A, Mycoplasma pneumonia, HIV,
Zika and Chikungunya, among others (Wong, Umapathi, Nishimoto, Wang, Chan
& Yuki, 2015; Chaverra, & Ayala, 2017) cases of post-vaccine SGB has been
described in rabies virus, Influenza A, H1N1.
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In the documented case, it is mentioned that 15 days prior to the start of GBS, there were
gastrointestinal manifestations that followed a self-limiting course. Regarding the
symptomatic progression, the evidence shows an average of 1-2 weeks after the
immune trigger and advances to a clinical maximum of 2-4 weeks (Fokkin, Selman,
Dortland, Durmus, Kuitwaard, Huizinga et al, 2014). This point is interesting in the
presentation of the case, where the symptomatic progression is established in hours up to
approximately 4 days managing to severely compromise the patient, conditioning it to the
confinement syndrome.
The clinical diagnosis of GBS classically involves acute ascending, symmetric progressive
areflexia paralysis with albuminous cytological dissociation; an atypical presentation
constitutes a diagnostic challenge for the medical specialist given the symptomatic
heterogeneity and diverse diagnostic possibilities. In the case described, his clinical
presentation was atypical and manifested by left brachiocrural weakness, which later
became generalized and initially associated with normal tendon reflexes, in addition to a
normal CSF. According to the literature, there are studies that show the approximate time of
albumin-cytological dissociation in CSF from the week following the start of GBS, not
constituting a confirmatory or excluding test of GBS. 15% of patients with the disease have
an increase in the CSF cell count (5-50 cells μL) (Hughes, Swan, Van Doorn, 2012)
Finally, the treatment of GBS shows efficacy of both immunoglobulin and plasmapheresis,
directly related to early onset. In the case presented once the diagnosis was confirmed,
plasmapheresis was started, however, the rapid progression favored conditions causing
It constitutes a diagnostic challenge for the neurologist the atypical presentations of GBS,
especially those presenting with rapid progressive evolution, are a diagnostic challenge for
the neurologist. It is important to highlight the importance of suspecting this pathology in the
emergency department for timely diagnosis. Based on this case, it can be seen that the
form of presentation can hinder diagnosis and treatment in the early stages of the disease
and thereby delay the patient's chances of effective recovery. However, there is a
small percentage of patients who still have diagnosis and timely treatment, his disease
continues its natural course progressing to death
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