Normal cerebral tomography (CT), laboratory tests, normal chest radiograph,
electrocardiogram without alterations. The diagnostic possibility of cerebrovascular event
was raised, however, after 5 hours of evolution, it presents dysphagia for fluids, areflexia,
generalized weakness and acute respiratory distress, it is transferred to the intensive care
unit (ICU) where it presents a ventilatory failure requiring orotracheal intubation.
On day 2 in the ICU, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was performed, cervical, dorsal
and lumbar spine without abnormal findings. A lumbar puncture (LP) showed cerebro-
spinal fluid of normal characteristics. Given the clinical context, GBS was suspected,
neurophysiology studies were carried out, confirming the diagnosis. On the 3rd day of stay
in ICU plasmapheresis begins. On the 4th day the progression continues in the
neurological deterioration conditioning an enclosure syndrome maintaining communication
through the ocular movements managing to manifest conservation of sensitive levels,
without changes at the motor level; On the 5th day, signs of an acute systemic
inflammatory response begin, a broad-spectrum antibiotic is initiated due to aspiration /
nosocomial pneumonia. On the 6th day of stay in the ICU after his third plasmapheresis
session, he had a torpid evolution, multiorgan failure, cardiorespiratory arrest and death.
Necropsy was not authorized by relatives
GBS is an acute polyneuropathy of autoimmune response with heterogeneous clinical
manifestations, which is the most frequent flaccid paralysis in the world (Webb, Brain,
Wood, Rinaldi, Turner, 2015). Most of the studies that estimate GBS incidence rates were
conducted in Europe and the USA, showing a range of 0.8-1.9 (median1: 1) cases /
100,000 persons per year. The annual incidence of GBS increases with age (0.6 / 100,000
children year and 2.7 / 100,000 people over 80 years), slightly more frequent in men than
women (Yuki, Kokubun, Kuwabara, Sekiguchi , Ito , Odaka , Hirata ,Notturno , Uncini,
2012) The case presented is consistent with a small percentage of patients described in
the world literature, in the case of a 56-year-old male patient with acute atypical
symptoms, asymmetric weakness with osteotendinous reflexes present. Studies have
succeeded in demonstrating GBS variability with normal or hyper-excitable
osteotendinous reflexes during the clinical course of the disease in approximately 10%
of patients (Fokke, van den Berg, Drenthen, Walgaard, van Doorn, Jacobs, 2014)
Scientific evidence associates respiratory or gastrointestinal tract symptoms up to 4 weeks
before the start of GBS (Musso, Cao-Lormeau, Gubler, 2015) and infectious
processes of microorganisms isolated in the laboratory such as Campylobacter jejuni,
cytomegalovirus, Epstein Bar virus, Influenza A, Mycoplasma pneumonia, HIV,
Zika and Chikungunya, among others (Wong, Umapathi, Nishimoto, Wang, Chan
& Yuki, 2015; Chaverra, & Ayala, 2017) cases of post-vaccine SGB has been
described in rabies virus, Influenza A, H1N1.
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