How to cite: Martínez-Martínez A, Díaz Caballero A, Quintero-Echenique N,. Malignant and premalignant lesions of the tongue, clinical and
histopathological findings for their early detection. Study of two cases. Ciencia e Innovación en Salud. 2020. e73:59-67.
DOI 10.17081/innosa.73
Malignant and premalignant lesions of the tongue, clinical and
histopathological findings for their early detection. Study of two cases
Adel Martínez-Martínez
*, Antonio Diaz-Caballero
, Natalia Quintero-Echenique
University of Cartagena. Cartagena, Colombia.
Address correspondence to:
Background: Squamous cell carcinoma affects subjects between the sixth and seventh decade of life.
However, there are growing reports on the involvement of young adults. Clinical Cases: Two male patients
aged 40 and 55, with no history of tobacco consumption and occasional alcohol consumption. They
presented an exophytic ulcer and a white plaque on the lateral border of the tongue, the first diagnosed as
moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma without HPV DNA genotypes and the second as
leukoplakia without dysplasia. Conclusions: Risk factors commonly associated with potentially malign
disorders and oral cancer, such as smoking and alcohol consumption, were not involved in the present
cases. Therefore identify clinical, histopathological and molecular findings, allows the early detection of
them, improving the prognosis of these patients.
Keywords: Carcinoma, Squamous Cell; Mouth Neoplasms; Oncovirus; Papillomaviridae; Leukoplakia,
Oral; young adult.
Article History
Received: 15 10 19
Accepted: 09 03 20
Published: 05 06 20
Oral cancer is the 11th most common cancer in the world; this includes
cancers of the lips, tongue, gum, floor of the mouth, palate, and mouth.
The squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most frequent of the
malignant neoplasms of the oral cavity, according to WHO corresponds
to more than 90% of all malignant lesions in the mouth and the 3% of all
cancers (1,2). This is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in
patients with head and neck cancer. This neoplasm is generally more
frequent in male than in the female. In general, SCC affects subjects
after their fifth decade of life (3). A significant increase in pathology has
been reported in young adults (4), among whom patients < 30 years old
are considered (5), some authors have as criteria to define young
patients those under 45 years old (6). The incidence in this population
ranges from 0.4% to 13% (7-9), although the data varies according to
the country, in the UK it is reported 6% (10) and India between 16 and
28%(11). Its worldwide distribution is unequal, being more incident in
Eastern Europe and South Asia, in the United Kingdom, it is rare cancer.
In Latin America, it occurs in countries such as Uruguay, Brazil and
Argentina. In Colombia, there are around 100 to 120 new cases of oral
cancer for a year, mainly affecting men, patients over 60 years of age
and associated with common risk factors (12). The most common sites
of SCC is the lateral border of the tongue, 70% of these neoplasms
involved the lateral border, followed by the floor of the mouth and a lower
frequency by the soft palate, gingiva and buccal mucosa (13,14).
©Copyright 2020
et al.
The consumption of tobacco (70%) and alcohol (36%) are the main risk factors among older
patients, however in the young population, less than half of the patients consume tobacco or
alcohol, which suggests the presence of other etiological factors (15). Other habits have also
been associated with SCC, such as chewing betel leaves, inverted smoking, oral thrush, use of
mouthwash and mate. Factors such as diet and nutrition, radiation, ethnicity, familial and genetic
predisposition, immunosuppression, syphilis, dental factors, occupational risks and infectious
proliferative process caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) are also considered
(16,17,18,19,20). The International Agency for Research on Cancer in 2007 accepted that human
papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 was a risk factor for tongue and tonsillar cancer (21). The clinical
characteristics vary from the case and include the exophytic forms such as verrucous or papillary
form when it starts its growth stage. In early stages, it presents as ulcerous lesions, keratosic
plaques: erythroplasia, leukoplasic, or erythroleukoplakia forms. These lesions may cause painful
symptoms depending on their extent and/or location, usually they are painless when they affect
the ventral side and lateral edges of the tongue, so they can go unnoticed by the patient (22).
Some authors report about the changing epidemiology of tongue squamous cell carcinoma
(TSCC), recent reports indicating an increasing incidence in young women. These authors
reported that most areas experienced an incidence increase ranging from 0.4% to 3.3% per year
and in patients under 45 years old the incidence of TSCC was higher, compare with patients over
that age (23). Comparing some industrial countries such as UK, Denmark and Netherlands with
USA, France, Italy, Germany and Hong Kong, the firsts one the prevalence of squamous cell
carcinoma was expanded (24). The World Health Organization in 2010 reported that 2 per
100,000 people died in the Middle East, but in USA and India the rate was not that high (25). The
radical primary surgery is the treatment of choice, using a free tissue transfer reconstruction
where indicated. When the tumor invasion is over 3 mm, a selective neck dissection must be
done, with a 0.5 cm margin of normal tissue. In elderly patients, who usually have some
associated co-morbidity and even their lifestyle, based in nowadays oral cancer treatment makes
difficult to have a prognosis, although those patients can die for a different reason than cancer
First case. A 40-year-old male was seen at the Stomatology Clinic, Department of Oral
Medicine, University of Cartagena Dental School, for presenting a tumoral growth in the tongue.
The patient reported a tumoral growth in lateral edges of the tongue for the last 6 months,
without smoking habit and alcohol consumption. Sexual habits that include oral sex are
reported. The patient reports a history of cancer in the family, a maternal grandmother died
from cancer of the cervix as well as a paternal uncle due to gastric cancer. The patient said
have noticed a white plaque, of unknown evolution, asymptomatic, on the lateral border of the
tongue, which did not receive treatment. The physical examination was found a patient with a
good nutritional status, oriented in person, space and time, good health condition with controlled
arterial hypertension. When palpating the ganglion chains no affected lymph nodes were
evident. Intraoral clinical examination showed ulcer with exophytic borders located on the left
side of the tongue, which extends to ventral and dorsal surfaces, with raised and indurated
edges, asymptomatic, 1.0 x 1.0 cm. Whitish plaques are observed on the ventral surface and
ipsilateral mouth floor, there is evidence of vegetations in areas near the edge of the ulcerative
lesion. With six months of evolution, other mucous membranes were within the normal range
(figures 1a and b).
Figure 1a: A localized ulcer is observed on the lateral border of the tongue, left side, with extends to
the ventral surface and the dorsal surface, with raised and indurated edges, asymptomatic, of 1.0 x
1.0 cms. Note the white plaques in the tongue ventral face and the ipsilateral mouth floor, there is
evidence of vegetations near the edge of the ulcerative lesion. 1b: On the tongue ventral side adjacent
to the ulcer, white and asymptomatic plaques are observed, with do not detach from shaving and from
unknown evolution. In the exophytic edge of ulcerative lesion, vegetation is observed, in the form of
cauliflower, white, asymptomatic with a rough surface.
No presence of palpable ganglion chains in the neck and submaxillary and submental region.
An incisional biopsy of the lesion is performed, including in the sample apparently healthy
margins. A part of the sample is sent for detection of HPV genotypes by real-time PCR and
another part for anatomopathological study. The histopathological result reveals ulcerated oral
mucosa with tumor lesion of epithelial lineage characterized by a proliferation of large cells of
hyperchromatic nuclei that are arranged in solid and infiltrating nests, with individual
keratinization, surrounded by a fibrous stroma with chronic inflammatory infiltrate. The
histopathological diagnosis was squamous cell carcinoma of large cells, moderately
differentiated, infiltrating and ulcerated (figure 4). The pathological study reported cellular
changes compatible with dysplasia, nuclear hyperchromatism, pleomorphism and atypical
mitosis (figures 2 a, b and c).
The real-time PCR evaluated the presence of 29 genotypes in the sample sent, 19 of high risk,
among which genotypes 16 and 18 were evaluated and nine of low risk (genotypes 6,11,42,54),
were not identified HPV genotypes in the sample sent. The patient is referred to oncological
surgery of head and neck who performs partial hemiglosectomy with superficial ipsilateral neck
emptying. The patient in the six months control after the surgical procedure is without clinical
signs of recurrence of the neoplasm, the figures 5a and b show the immediate and six months
postoperative (figure 3 a and b).
Figures 2: 2a. The histopathological section shows the cellular characteristics of the malignancy:
nuclear hyperchromatism, pleomorphism and atypical mitosis. 2b. Observe the loss of the normal
architecture of the oral epithelium. 2c. The invasion of the epithelial cells within the connective, with
zones of keratinization around these, is visible in this section.
Figure 3: 3a. Immediate postoperative, of incisional biopsy, showing adequate opposition of tissues
in the intervened area. 3b. 6-month control. Observe the adequate healing of the intervened tissue. It
is evident the plaque of whitish border, center hypochromic, asymptomatic, with no induration,
compatible with leukoplakia.
Second case. A 55-year-old male was seen at the Stomatology Clinic, Department of Oral
Medicine, University of Cartagena Dental School, for presenting a white plaque in tongue. The
patient reported a tumoral growth in lateral edges of the tongue for the last six months, without
smoking habit and alcohol consumption. The physical examination was found a patient with a
good nutritional status, oriented in person, space and time, good health condition without any
clinical background. When palpating the ganglion chains no affected lymph nodes were evident.
Intraoral clinical examination showed ulcer with exophytic borders located on the right ventral
surface side of the tongue, with raised and indurated edges, asymptomatic, 3 mm x 3 mm.
There is evidence of white plaque in areas near the edge of the ulcerative lesion, with 6 months
of evolution, other mucous membranes were within the normal range (figure 4a).
An incisional biopsy of the lesion was performed, including in the sample apparently healthy
margins for an anatomopathological study. The histopathological result reveals oral mucosa
with an intraepithelial lesion with gout shaped epithelial ridges, hyperplasia and hypercellularity
in the basal stratum, without dysplasia, and with hyperkeratosis and papillomatosis. The own
sheet shows chronic inflammation. The histopathological diagnosis was leukoplakia without
dysplasia (figure 4b). A surgical excision was practiced, keeping the patient in controls for 1
year without showing recurrence.
Figure 4: 4a. localized ulcer is observed on the ventral surface of the tongue, right side, with raised
and indurated edges, asymptomatic, of 3 x 3 mm. Note the white plaque in areas near the edge of
the ulcerative lesion. 4b. The histopathological section does not show the cellular characteristics of
the malignancy: Intraepithelial lesion with gout shaped epithelial ridges, hyperplasia and
hypercellularity in the basal stratum, without dysplasia, and with hyperkeratosis and papillomatosis.
Oral squamous cell carcinoma corresponds to more than 90% of oral cancer diagnoses, is
commonly associated with risk factors such as smoking and alcohol, without ignoring the
hereditary factor. The tongue cancer nowadays has increased, significantly between 1973 and
2012 (0.6% annual increase), more specifically in young white women even though the used of
tobacco decreased in the USA.(28). Regarding the age group, squamous cell carcinoma is a
rare disease in patients under 45 year of age, mainly affecting subjects between the fifth and
sixth decade of life However, there are reports of cases of oral carcinomas in young adults,
without the risk factors commonly associated with neoplasia (29-30). Adorno-Farías et al (31),
report a case of verrucous carcinoma in the tongue in a 60-year-old patient without known risk
factors, just like in the present report. These authors also conducted a review of cases in the
period between January 1984 and October 2010, reporting 20 cases of warty carcinoma in
patients with an average age of 70.7 years, verrucous carcinoma with clinical and histological
particular characteristics, affects primarily the male sex between the fifth and seventh decade
of life, with is why it differs from the present report. In young adults relationship between
malignancy and HPV infection associated with sexual contact pathway (orogenital) has been
reported, without conclusive data considering the virus as an etiological factor (32,33). Many
studies show that HPV DNA is present in a considerable number of squamous cell carcinomas
but it represents a distinct entity with many doubts to be solved regarding the casual relationship
between the virus and carcinoma (34). Chen X et al, recommend the use of makers such as
P16 and HPV genotypes as test for the detection of HPV in patients with squamous cell
carcinoma. The human papillomavirus is considered an etiological factor of this pathology an
even for oral premalignant disorders (34). Kouketsu A et al, reported and expression in 24
subjects of the P16 protein of 174 subjects evaluated with squamous cell carcinoma, with the
most prevalent subtypes being 16 and 18. This authors conclude that HPV has a minor role in
oral oncogenesis in patients Japanese in this report, HPV genotypes associated with neoplasia
were not found (35). Falaki F et al. in 2011 published a retrospective study of patients diagnosed
with squamous cell carcinoma, received in the last 13 years in a health care center in Iran. of
the 158 cases of squamous cell carcinoma diagnosed, 21 patients were young adults under 40
years of age, 12 of them males. In the group of patients studied there were no significant risk
factors associated, the tongue was the most common site of presentation, with exophytic ulcer
being the most common clinical lesion. HPV DNA was not detected in these patients. All the
data of the studied population are coincident with the case in this report, highlighting the non-
presence of common risk factors and the non-detection of HPV DNA (12) (36).
Associated findings at the white plaques or erosive lesions in the lateral borders of the tongue,
must caught the attention of the clinical professional when are present in young patients without
the habits that are commonly associated with oral squamous cell carcinoma.
It is important a well detailed clinical history that reveal data of the background of this lesions,
how they have been treated and how often do they show up, furthermore it has to be considered
the biopsy to determinate the presence of dysplasia changes in the evaluated tissue, not
forgetting the immunohistochemical studies to determinate oncogenesis such as P16 and
stablished a prognosis of the lesions evaluated. The best prognosis of oral cancer it is given by
the early diagnosis.
Ethical revelation. The authors declare that no experiments were performed in humans or
animals for this study.
Confidentiality of data. The authors declare that they have followed the protocols of their work
center on the publication of patient data.
Right to privacy and informed consent. The authors have obtained the written informed
consent of the patients or subjects mentioned in the article.
Authors contribution: "Conceptualization, Adel Martínez-Martínez. Antonio Diaz-Caballero.;
methodology, Adel Martínez-Martínez. Antonio Diaz-Caballero.; software, Antonio Diaz-
Caballero.; validation, Adel Martínez-Martínez.; formal analysis, Adel Martínez-Martínez.
Antonio Diaz-Caballero. Natalia Quintero-Echenique.; research, Adel Martínez-Martínez.
Antonio Diaz-Caballero.; resources, Antonio Diaz-Caballero.; data healing, Antonio Diaz-
Caballero.; writing: preparation of original draft, Adel Martínez-Martínez.; writing: review and
editing, Adel Martínez-Martínez. Natalia Quintero-Echenique.; viewing, Adel Martínez-
Martínez. Natalia Quintero-Echenique.; supervision, Adel Martínez-Martínez project
management, Antonio Diaz-Caballero.; fund acquisition, Antonio Diaz-Caballero. All authors
have read and accepted the published version of the manuscript."Yes”
Acknowledgements. To our patient who today allows us to learn from her case.
Conflicts of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
About the authors.
Adel Martínez-Martínez. Oral Surgeon, Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Medicine, Gitouc
Investigation Group, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Cartagena. Cartagena, Colombia. email:
Antonio Diaz-Caballero. Periodontist, Titular Professor, Department of Oral Medicine, Director of
the Group Investigation Group, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Cartagena. Cartagena, Colombia.
Natalia Quintero-Echenique. Resident, Stomatology and Oral Surgery, Gitouc Investigation Group,
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Cartagena. Cartagena, Colombia. email:
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