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      <PublisherName>Universidad Simon Bolivar</PublisherName>
      <JournalTitle>Revista Ciencia e Innovación en Salud</JournalTitle>
      <PubDate PubStatus="ppublish">
    <ArticleTitle>Care conditions in patient careers in peritoneal dialysis associated with overload</ArticleTitle>
    <ELocationID EIdType="doi">10.17081/innosa https://doi.org/10.17081/innosa.66</ELocationID>
        <FirstName>Viviana Pahola Franco Mejía</FirstName>
          <Affiliation>Universidad Simón Bolívar, Barranquilla, Colombia</Affiliation>
        <FirstName>Elizabeth Romero Massa</FirstName>
          <Affiliation>Universidad de Cartagena, Cartagena, Colombia</Affiliation>
      <AbstractText label="SUMMARY">The caregiver of a family member of a person with Chronic Kidney Disease in outpatient treatment generates critical moments related to the stress of caring. Therefore, this study aims to determine the conditions of care in caregivers of patiens on peritoneal dialysis associated with overload</AbstractText>
      <AbstractText label="METHODS">Analytical study, population and sample constituted 128 patient caregivers in the Caribbean region. Through a Caregiver Characterization survey, Zarit overload scale, with 0.90 of Cronbach's alpha and Questionnaire of complete overload of relatives of patients in PD, with Cronbach's coefficient of a = 0.847, the data were expressed in frequencies and averages the association was determined with U Mann Whitney, significant p &lt;of 0.05.</AbstractText>
      <AbstractText label="RESULTS"/>
      <AbstractText label="DISCUSSION">The female gender predominated, the average age of caregivers was 43.8 years. Of the care conditions of caregivers with 68.8%, predominantly being sole caregivers, 37.5% with 1 to 3 years caring and 33.6%. Mother or father. The absence of overload was perceived by 78.9% of caregivers, patient dependence overload was found in 57.0% of caregivers, a lot of overload in 92.2% and a lot of repercussion in 85.2%. The conditions of care associated with overload in caregivers was caring for the person from the moment of diagnosis (p 0.003)</AbstractText>
      <AbstractText label="CONCLUSIONS">The caregivers of patients on Peritoneal Dialysis in the Caribbean region, perceived a low proportion of intense and light overload that was associated with caring from the moment of diagnosis.</AbstractText>
    <CopyrightInformation>Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0</CopyrightInformation>
      <Object Type="keyword">
        <Param Name="value">Caregiver</Param>
      <Object Type="keyword">
        <Param Name="value">dependency</Param>
      <Object Type="keyword">
        <Param Name="value">impact</Param>
      <Object Type="keyword">
        <Param Name="value">peritoneal dialysis</Param>
      <Object Type="keyword">
        <Param Name="value">overload</Param>
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        <Param Name="value">kidney disease</Param>