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      <PublisherName>Universidad Simon Bolivar</PublisherName>
      <JournalTitle>Revista Ciencia e Innovación en Salud</JournalTitle>
      <PubDate PubStatus="ppublish">
    <ArticleTitle>Effects of an educational intervention on security in the self-administration of insulin</ArticleTitle>
    <ELocationID EIdType="doi">10.17081/innosa 72</ELocationID>
        <FirstName>Jadith Lombo Caicedo</FirstName>
          <Affiliation>Universidad del Tolima, Ibagué, Colombia</Affiliation>
        <FirstName>Alejandra María Soto Morales</FirstName>
          <Affiliation>Universidad del Tolima, Ibagué, Colombia</Affiliation>
        <FirstName>Clara Victoria Bastidas Sánchez</FirstName>
          <Affiliation>Universidad del Tolima, Ibagué, Colombia</Affiliation>
      <AbstractText label="SUMMARY">People with type 2 diabetes generally do not undergo daily doses of insulin to survive. Many people can control their disease through a healthy diet and increased physical activity, and oral medication, if they persist without glycemic control, they must use exogenous insulin.</AbstractText>
      <AbstractText label="METHODS">Quasi-experimental study developed in a group control and intervention group of patients who began treatment with insulin in the discharge plan. Were two scales of measurement, one for the self-care agency and the scale of security in the therapy of insulin validated in Colombia</AbstractText>
      <AbstractText label="RESULTS"/>
      <AbstractText label="DISCUSSION">: At the intragroup level, the conventional educational intervention, used in the control group, did not have an effect on the safe administration of insulin (p-value = 0.07). Conversely, the experimental strategy increased the safety score in the administration of insuline; mean difference of 8 points, (p-value = 0.0001).</AbstractText>
      <AbstractText label="CONCLUSIONS">The results obtained in this research are consistent with other previous research, it should be noted that the number of patients ranged between 20 and 32 individuals, applied different educational interventions, as well as knowledge, anthropometric and clinical aspects were measured. Accordingly, the “starting with insulin” educational.</AbstractText>
    <CopyrightInformation>Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0</CopyrightInformation>
      <Object Type="keyword">
        <Param Name="value">Nursing</Param>
      <Object Type="keyword">
        <Param Name="value">self-care</Param>
      <Object Type="keyword">
        <Param Name="value">education</Param>
      <Object Type="keyword">
        <Param Name="value">patient safety</Param>
      <Object Type="keyword">
        <Param Name="value">diabetes mellitus</Param>