tools to health professionals and patients for the intelligent management of information. With
this vision and in order to ensure the success of the digital health strategy, it is essential to
strengthening human resources by creating new spaces for training health personnel
throughout the country, including representatives of all branches of health care and
technology. Without a doubt, the success of the implementation of the national digital health
concept will depend on the support and continuous training of all stakeholders.
ICTs are recognised as a key element for the development of innovation of health care
processes and the improvement of the efficiency and quality of care in health systems. In this
setting, the skills of healthcare professionals are essential factors that impact digital health
strategies. Undoubtedly, the policies that achieve greater participation and commitment of the
different actors of the system, more considerable training of users and better change
management will be those that will have more chances of success.
Authors contribution: "Conceptualization, Fernandez A; Celi L; methodology, Fernandez
A.; software, not applicable.; validation, not applicable.; formal analysis, Fernandez A.;
research, not applicable.; resources, not applicable.; data healing, Fernandez A. writing:
preparation of original draft, Fernandez A.; writing: review and editing, Fernandez A,
Beratarrechea A, Ridao M, Rojo M, Celi L .; viewing, not applicable.; supervision, Celi L;
project management, Fernandez A.; fund acquisition, not applicable. All authors have read
and accepted the published version of the manuscript."
Acknowledgements. none.
Conflicts of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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