What is really important?
Science and Technology offer us many opportunities, but not enough to go about and face a new world that,
everyday is more demanding and troublesome. Children and grown-ups are exposed to multiple academic work,
and socio-economic demands, as well as competitive hostile environments and in disadvantage. These conditions
may promote human development, or on the contrary could knock it down, leaving it harmed and affecting mental
health and human well being. Then, facing this complex situation, I asked myself so many times, the same question,
What is really important? How do we know what is really important? Which actions are we to take?
These questions answer our daily life although sometimes the quickness of the moment seems to hide them
and finally drag us to a chain of actions that go against what is considered relevant for each one of us.
If men forget what is really important for them, then they compromise their well being.
For this purpose, human health is defined as a state of welfare, in which an individual is aware of his own
capacities, being able to face normal life pressure, working in a productive and fruitful atmosphere and being able to
make a substantial contribution to his community (OMS, 2013). It is a pity that many people do not enjoy mental
, but due to the fact that they lose control of their personal lives, of their work and social control, giving prior-
ity to what environment and circumstances point out as important. Many everyday situations such as: hostility, abuse
of power, economic difficulties, excess of work, unemployment, disrespect to one another, media manipulation,
lack of time,etc., put in risk our mental health since in so many occasions we can not count on solid psychological
tools to face, decide and act in front of these daily situations. Taking into account this social knowledge approach,
these psychologycal tools could be tackled from the point of view of handling emotional identification, theory of
the mind, empathy of the personal self that allows people to manage evaluations and specific praising of events with
their personal consequences derived, and the best way to manage them (Uribe, 2010).
In favor of mental health, I consider of the highest importance the fact that psychologysts must get near to
* Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can
work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community
Psicogente, 20 (37): pp. 10-11. Enero-Junio, 2017. Universidad Simón Bolívar. Barranquilla, Colombia. ISSN 0124-0137 EISSN 2027-212X