Attitudes towards childcare practices in rural and urban caregivers with high rates of multidimensional poverty
Actitudes hacia las prácticas de cuidado infantil en cuidadores rurales y urbanos con altos índices de pobreza
DOI: clave:
care practices, multidimensional poverty, rural, urban, early childhood, ColombiaResumen
Objective: To analyse the relationship between poverty and attitudes towards childcare practices in rural and urban areas of Colombia.
Method: This article presents a cross-sectional correlational study conducted in the department of Atlántico, northern Colombia. Attitudes towards childcare and living conditions were assessed among 1189 caregivers of preschool children. The multidimensional poverty index and the participants’ area of origin (urban or rural) were considered.
Results: No direct relationship was found between attitudes towards childcare and the multidimensional poverty index. However, it was observed that urban participants from deprived areas had a higher poverty index and less positive attitudes towards childcare, especially regarding cognitive, sleep and health care. There was a moderating effect of area on attitudes towards childcare.
Conclusions: The study highlights the influence of poverty and social vulnerability on attitudes towards childcare, particularly in urban areas. These findings underline the importance of considering socio-economic and geographical conditions when addressing childcare practices. It also highlights the need to implement specific strategies to promote positive childcare practices in more vulnerable contexts to improve early childhood development in Colombia.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Daniela Romero Royert, José J Amar, Leidy González, Duban Romero Orozco, Jeremías Aragón
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