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Martha Rambal Simanca

Palabras clave:

Diagnostico participativo en salud, Instituciones distritales educativas, Salud integral, Bienestar psicológico, Bienestar subjetivo, Bienestar social


El siguiente diagnóstico participativo en salud dirigido a las instituciones distritales educativas de Barranquilla, Colombia, se desarrolló dentro del proceso de prácticas formativas de la asignatura “Promoción de la salud y Prevención de los problemas sociales” a cargo de los estudiantes del programa de psicología de IX semestre de la Universidad Simón Bolívar en el marco del programa “Interacción Social y Desarrollo Ciudadano” del Departamento de Extensión y Proyección Social de la U.S.B.


The strategic objective of this intervention is to conceptualize and describe the theoretical, epistemological and methodological compromise mental health of our region, so as to design, manage and operate through promotion and prevention programs, aimed at providing alternative solutions to social problems in the community. For it was decided to conduct a participatory assessment in health that would provide information necessary for the design and implementation of a management project that responds to the problems encountered, the diagnosis counted with the universe of the student population and faculty directors group of 8 ° at 10 ° with their respective courses (a, b, c) in two District Educational Institutions Barranquilla. For data collection techniques were used participatory qualitative and quantitative type, such as Group Interview teachers and students designed the guide questions, based on a study that was run on the Pintana Commune by the Catholic University of Chile in 1999, which was adapted by the teacher in the classroom and Martha Rambals practices and applied Spanish adaptation of White & Diaz (2005 ) scales: Subjective Well Diener ( ? = 0.68) , Ryff Psychological Well-being ( ? = 0.73), Social Welfare Keyes ( ? = 0,70 ). The results showed that both teachers and students have mixed opinions regarding the concept of health, some considered to be the absence of disease and others that it is the welfare of the human being, and the trend continues in the seven remaining conceptual category; in the level of subjective,
psychological and social well-being, the students are in middle levels - high in most of the dimensions studied, but levels evidenced the presence of low levels in social welfare with respect to the update, social contribution and social coherence .

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