Internationalization and competitive advantages in SMES in the exporting sector of Sinaloa, Mexico


Juan Carlos Segura
Lorenzo Manzanilla López
Luiz Vicente Ovalles


Internationalization, competitive advantage, international trade, globalization, competitiveness, SMEs


The internationalization of SMEs is a topic widely studied in a lot of countries looking to become more competitive and certainly seek to obtain greater economic growth. More and more nations that interact with goods and services in a highly demanding market as part of the phenomenon called globalization that forces them to enter that market dynamics, however, that such an accelerated way to enter this dynamic sometimes find it successful and the other leads to mistakes that lead to failure. This paper is proposed from the study of internationalization and its relationship with competitive advantages by reference to the evolutionary process of knowledge through border studies on this matter, identifying strategies that could lead to SMEs who would like to venture in such process of internationalization.


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