About the Journal

Focus and scope

Desarrollo Gerencial is a scientific journal that covers the field of management with an emphasis on leadership. It accepts original scientific research and review papers with a transdisciplinary focus that contribute to the understanding of business practices in national, regional, and global contexts. The journal includes studies on strategy and innovation, competitiveness, entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, human talent management, finance, digital management, sustainability, diversity, and inclusion.

The journal is aimed at the scientific and academic community specializing in the field of management, particularly researchers, professors, graduate students, and decision-makers involved in managerial areas.

It is published in digital format under an open-access model. The journal accepts articles in both Spanish and English that have not been previously published in other journals. There are no fees for publishing, and it follows the Diamond route.

All submitted articles that comply with the journal's guidelines are subject to double-blind peer review. Reviewers will evaluate the quality of the content, originality, presentation and structure, the quality and relevance of bibliographic references, and adherence to ethical principles. Citations and bibliographic references should follow the guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th edition.

Publication frequency: The journal accepts articles for review throughout the year. It follows a continuous publication model, with issues released biannually (January–June and July–December).

Publishing institution and funding model: Desarrollo Gerencial is owned and funded by Universidad Simón Bolívar (Colombia), a non-profit higher education institution.

This journal does not charge authors for the processing of their manuscripts (Article Processing Charge – APC). However, it expects authors to actively participate in the processes and work cooperatively to increase the dissemination and promotion of their articles.

Marketing policy: Desarrollo Gerencial does not engage in any marketing via email, telemarketing, or direct advertising to authors or for article submissions. The journal does not use any form of marketing to promote or communicate directly with authors or companies with the aim of soliciting articles.

Desarrollo Gerencial believes in authentic research and the validity conferred by the peer review process.

Type of accepted articles

The journal Desarrollo Gerencial publishes manuscripts of quotable production, such as articles based on scientific research and bibliographic review. These articles must be original and unpublished; not be simultaneously published in other journals; most importantly, provide answers and solutions to topics related to management; be new and original contributions; and express the efficacy and direct or indirect benefits of the results found in research. The sources cited must be recognized publishers that use peer review.

This journal does not publish reflections; abstracts; book reviews; minutes of events or congresses; papers; bibliographies; institutional bulletins; news; translations of articles already published in other media; documents published in repositories, academic networks, or other websites; opinion columns; or similar articles.


The community of authors who are part of Desarrollo Gerencial is characterized by researchers, teachers, graduate students, and decision-makers who are experts in management and submit original and unpublished manuscripts resulting from scientific research processes. They are responsible for the work submitted to the journal, and their behavior must be guided by a commitment to the ethical development of research.

Publication style

For the submission of any type of article, Desarrollo Gerencial requires its writing to follow the current publication style standards of the American Psychological Association (APA) included in the APA Publication Manual (For more information, visit http://www.apastyle.org/).

In this section, you will find a summary guide to the APA Seventh Edition style, with the translation based on https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/index

This manual can be downloaded here.

Please note that this is NOT an official document of the American Psychological Association, it is simply a guide that Desarrollo Gerencial makes available to authors.

Editorial management process

The editorial process for manuscripts in Desarrollo Gerencial consists of the following editorial stages:

Stage 1: Sending and receiving articles

This stage begins with the author submitting their manuscript through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform. The article must be sent in the corresponding template, together with complementary files such as a professional resume of each author, a cover letter of the article, acceptance or commitment of assignment of each author's economic rights, and a declaration of conflicts of interest.

The names of all authors that will appear on the first page of the article should be included, with their institutional e-mails and ORCID. The ORCID should have the full URL, for example, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3116-5372. The institutional e-mail of the corresponding author should be highlighted.

Once the article is sent, the platform automatically sends the receipt and acknowledgment of receipt.

Stage 2: Preliminary review

Within a maximum period of 5 days from the receipt of the article, the editor will assess the manuscript submitted to determine, according to the evaluation criteria established in the policy, whether it is within the scope of the journal.

At this stage, a review is made in terms of the subject matter, scientific quality, and contribution to the knowledge of the article submitted. The structure of the article is reviewed (format and content), and it is assessed as to whether it complies with the bibliographic and style requirements outlined in the rules for authors.

Furthermore, the document is checked by anti-plagiarism software to detect whether there are coincidences or similarities with other, already published sources. The result of this verification must be less than 20%.

If the article does not meet the established editorial criteria, the main author will be informed of the editorial decision. If the article meets the criteria of the preliminary review, it moves on to the next stage of peer review.

If adjustments are required, the authors have a maximum period of 10 days to make them; otherwise, the article will be removed from the list of articles assessed.

Successful completion of this first stage does NOT mean that the article has been accepted for publication.

Stage 3: Peer review

Once the previous stage is completed, the peer review process begins. This evaluation is conducted under the double-blind method, meaning that the article is sent anonymously to a minimum of two reviewers with experience and expertise in the subject matter. If both reviewers accept, they have 15 days to submit their evaluation through the journal's OJS platform.

When a reviewer accepts the editor's invitation, they declare that they have no conflicts of interest and that their review will adhere to the ethical, confidentiality, and plagiarism management guidelines defined by Desarrollo Gerencial.

Reviewers are committed to providing a decision based on the originality of the article, its relevance, and its methodological rigor. In this evaluation, four possible responses can be issued:

  • The article is accepted as is: the article is considered to meet the criteria of format, content, and quality; hence, it can be published as it is.
  • The article is accepted with minor modifications: this involves making adjustments or modifications that can be easily corrected. The author will have a period of 5 days to make them.
  • The article is accepted with extensive revision: the article requires modifications of such significance and depth that a new revision is required to evaluate the adjustments made. The author will have 15 days to make them.
  • The article is not accepted: The manuscript is not suitable for publication because of significant observations that would entail redoing the work. This document will not be reevaluated.

When there is a significant divergence of criteria between the reviewers, a third reviewer may be requested.

If the article is accepted with both reviewers suggesting modifications or extensive revision, the editorial team will send these to the corresponding author through the OJS platform for the suggested changes to be made.

Authors should send the corrected manuscript together with a response letter notifying of each of the changes made. If there are aspects in which the authors do not agree with the peers or the Editorial Committee, they should highlight this in the letter and provide duly argued justifications as to why they did not proceed with the modifications or recommendations.

By sending the letter, the authors state that they will accept the opinions of the peer reviewers and the editorial team.

It is the editor, together with the Editorial Committee, who will make the final decision.

This review process may take about 10 weeks.

Stage 4: Editorial review

At this stage, the editorial team will verify in detail that the corrections suggested by the peers have been implemented and will request some final adjustments if required. If the article complies with the requests, the acceptance opinion for publication of the article in the journal is sent to the main author's contact.

Once this stage has been completed, the article goes through the process of style and layout correction. If the article does not comply with the recommendations given, it will be rejected.

The maximum period for this stage is 1 week.

Stage 5: Edition

Style correction: at this stage, once the final version of the manuscript has been endorsed, the proofreader will deal with the typographical, editorial, and stylistic aspects of the text.

Metadata translation: after the proofreading process, the article will be sent to the specialized provider of editing services for translation into English of the title, abstract, and keywords.

Layout: in this process, the contents of the article are organized, adapting the visual elements, such as spaces, images, and colors, to ensure the aesthetics of the manuscript. The author will have a period of five (5) days in which to resolve the requests made by the layout designer.

In addition, at this stage, the executive editor reviews and adjusts the metadata of the article on the OJS platform.

Final review: the editorial team approves the final version of the article to be published and assigns a DOI. The average period for this stage is 4 weeks.

Stage 6: Publication

Articles in the final stage of the process will be published.

The estimated time for the evaluation and publication process of an article from its reception to its publication is five (5) months on average.

Publication system

Desarrollo Gerencial uses the Open Journal Systems platform for its editorial management process, which is an open-access journal manager and software developed, financed, and distributed free of charge by the Public Knowledge Project under the Public Knowledge Project License.

Indexation, directories, and databases

Academic Resource Index (ResearchBib) is an open-access database with high-level indexing for researchers and editors.

Actualidad Iberoamericana is an international index of journals published in Spanish, various Ibero-American countries, and varied fields of science, engineering, and humanities.

Advance Sciencies Index is a scientific evaluation center that indexes and assesses local and international journals. Its mission is to promote the quality and visibility of academic journals worldwide within a comprehensive and transparent framework, fostering continuous progress in the dissemination of knowledge and research.

AmeliCA is a communication infrastructure for academic publishing and open science.

Biblat is a portal specializing in scientific and academic journals published in Latin America and the Caribbean. It allows access to the full text of OJS journals.

CIRC The Integrated Classification of Scientific Journals aims to build a classification of scientific journals in the Social and Human Sciences according to quality.

CLASE is a bibliographic database created at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). It is updated daily.

Crossref offers a range of tools and services that make it easier for content to be found, cited, linked, evaluated, and ultimately used by others. Its primary function is the assignment of unique digital identifiers known as DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) to academic documents, such as journal articles, books, reports, and other types of content.

Dialnet is one of the largest bibliographic portals in the world, whose main purpose is to increase the visibility of Hispanic scientific literature. It focuses on the fields of human, legal, and social sciences.

Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources (ROAD) is a service launched by the International ISSN Centre with the support of UNESCO's Communication and Information Sector, providing free access to ISSN bibliographic records that detail a wide range of open access scholarly resources, including journals, monograph series, conference proceedings, repositories, and academic blogs. The ROAD initiative aligns with UNESCO's efforts to promote open access to scientific resources.

DOAJ The Directory of Open Access Journals is an online directory that indexes and provides access to high-quality, open-access, peer-reviewed academic journals.

EBSCOhost is a platform of EBSCO Publishing that provides access to full-text databases and secondary sources.

ERIHPLUS is an index containing good-quality publications in the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Google Scholar is a search engine that locates academic documents and organizes them according to their impact.

Latindex directorio is an information system on scientific research, technical–professional, and scientific and cultural journals published in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal.

Latindex catálogo 2.0. aims to elevate the catalogue to a new status as a reliable reference for high-quality academic journals, while also serving as a compendium of best editorial practices for online journals.

LatinREV Latin American Network of Academic Journals in Social Sciences and Humanities.

LivRe is a Brazilian portal for open-access journals on the Internet.

MIAR is a data matrix developed to provide useful information for the identification of scientific journals and the analysis of their dissemination.

Mir@bel is a shared platform of open-access journals, powered by a network of partners. It is led by various French institutions.

OpenAlex is an academic database that provides open and free access to academic data, making it particularly valuable for researchers, librarians, and those involved in science and research management. It offers an application programming interface (API) that allows users to search for and retrieve data programmatically, facilitating the integration of this information into various applications and data analysis services.

Publindex is the national indexing system of the Colombian Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation. Education and Humanities are in Category B.

Ranking Rev-Sapiens is a ranking system of the best Colombian journals according to international visibility.

REDIB is a platform for aggregating scientific and academic content in electronic format produced in Ibero-America.

Sherpa Romeo is an online tool that collects and examines the open access policies adopted by publishers worldwide. It provides detailed summaries of the specific open access archiving policies and copyright rights of each journal, covering a wide range of publishers.

V|Lex is a legal content portal that creates, organizes, and applies analytical tools to legal content so that users can work faster, smarter, and safer.


Vicerrectoría de Investigación, Extensión e Innovación
Departamento de Publicaciones
Universidad Simón Bolívar
Address: Carrera 54 # 64-223
Barranquilla, Colombia.

Editorial Board

José María Mendoza Guerra
Yessica Muñoz Reyes
Universidad Simón Bolívar

Support Contact

Kevin Villarreal Jiménez
Universidad Simón Bolívar