Management principles from the socio-critical approach in binational institutions of higher education

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Fabio Moya Camacho
Darcy Luz Mendoza Fernández
Danny Daniel López Juvinao


Sociocritic Focus, Management Principles, Universities


The purpose of this article is to identify management principles from the socio-critical approach in binational institutions of higher education. The study is framed as descriptive, field, its design was not experimental, transversal. Methodologically, a questionnaire was applied as a Likert scale, consisting of 60 items, to a population made up of 5 deans and 17 directors of the Universidad Simón Bolívar in Colombia and the University of Zulia in Venezuela, with a reliability of 82%. It was found that the management principles were identified in a moderate category, with favorable results for the strengthening aspects of citizenship, the reduction of poverty and inequality, however, a less favorable perception was obtained for the case of strengthening the citizenship. It is concluded that the change, in higher education institutions, should be progressive, starting from a change in the conception and ways of working so that the true sense of the social prevails and is directed towards the generation of professionals in harmony with the reality of your next environment


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