Economic equity dimension of the quality of working life in the University of La Guajira

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Elvis Eliana Pinto Aragón
Clara Judith Brito Carrillo
Carmenza Leonor Mendoza Cataño


economic equity, quality of working life, Universidad de La Guajira


The purpose of this article is to analyze economic equity as a dimension of the quality of working life at the University of La Guajira. Methodologically, the research corresponds to a positivist paradigm, the type of research is descriptive and analytical, non-experimental, transactional and field design, the population was 59 administrative career employees, obtaining information through the survey technique and as an instrument a questionnaire of nine items with multiple response options, validated by five experts, while reliability, by estimating the coefficient of alpha crombach with 91% reliability, for the analysis of the data, descriptive statistics was used. The results indicated that economic equity represents a dimension of quality of life, generating a contribution to maintain the integration of university workers with missionary activities in the university under study. Concluding that equity as part of the dimension of quality of life at the University of La Guajira provides well-being to workers through the benefits derived from their employment relationship, turning their spaces into a rewarding environment for the fulfillment of assigned functions, maintaining coexistence and satisfaction in the work of their commitment and work performance.


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