Quality of services to optimize care at the Magdalena-Colombia Cardiovascular Diagnosis Center

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Alexis Palacios Arrieta https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9129-2883
Alexander Ruz Gómez https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1625-4449
Laureano Villa Corrales
Eduardo Salazar Araujo https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3330-9042


Care, innovation, quality management, quality of service, service delivery


The objective of this study is to analyze the quality of services offered by the Cardiovascular Center of Magdalena, Colombia, to optimize the care provided to its users. It is based on a positivist approach, with a non-experimental, cross-field research design; and a type of descriptive study, under the modality of case study. The population is made up of this center, which receives an average of 550 people (users) per month with 35 workers, the key informants were 210 users of the services who decided to participate voluntarily and 20 workers, for a total of 230 The technique used was the survey through a questionnaire. The results show a high tendency to deeply consider the quality of the service; integrating more technology in communication and substantially improving the attention services, as well as knowing the specific needs of the client. Users and companions said that the diagnostic center has medium technology. It is concluded that in the Cardiovascular Center the provision of the service according to the perception of users and companions is of excellent quality, however, it can be improved to the extent that innovative elements are incorporated into the service.


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