Methodology for knowledge management in MSME auto spare part suppliers
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Competitiveness, Knowledge Management, MSME´s
What type of methodology can be established for the adequate knowledge management in MSME suppliers of auto spare parts? It is the question whose proposal is "A methodology, whose transfer of knowledge involves the different aspects of knowledge management and organizational culture that can have an important impact on the competitiveness of MSME suppliers of auto spare parts." The objective is the presentation of a proposal for the strengthening of competitiveness through the knowledge management of MSME´s. The qualitative method is used with a case study and phenomenology, through semi-structured interviews, observation, document analysis, and the use of the program for qualitative data analysis ATLAS.ti. The results showed serious weaknesses in the transfer of knowledge of companies, there is no defined methodology to achieve organizational learning, and there are no motivators or indicators of measurement. For the above, a methodology of knowledge transfer is proposed that aims to contribute to the strengthening of the competitiveness of the MSME´s, in which, in addition to the internal culture,
several factors, such as industrial associations of the automotive sector, research centers and universities, are involved.
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