Organizational DNA and productivity in the family business
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organizational DNA, family businesses, productivity
Objective: Determine the relationship between Organizational DNA and Productivity in Family Businesses. Method: The research was Correlational type with non-experimental, field and transactional correlational design. It was based on the theoretical proposal of Nielson and Pasternack (2005). The population of the study was constituted by the family companies from which a sample was extracted to trial composed by the companies of the pharmaceutical sector, a questionnaire was applied consisting of a scaling of Likert attitude with 46 items, presented a reliability of 0, 91. Results and Discussions: Among the main results of the research, it was found that the companies studied have a healthy DNA without fitting into the typology proposed by the authors and have a high productivity. It was found that the DNA of the companies studied is healthy but does not fall within the classifications that the authors present, however, other studies confirm that this can happen in SMEs, on the other hand, it was found that the workers, the Machinery and management are considered factors of high productivity, but external aspects are perceived with indifference. Conclusions: Regarding the objective of the research, it was determined that organizational DNA and productivity presented a moderate positive correlation, that is, that the relationship between the variables exists but is not determinant.
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