Beyond productivity
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productivity, competitiveness, innovation
As is well known, examining the two most important rankings of competitiveness, Colombia has been located over a long period of time, in the middle range, according to the position reached in each ranking. In addition, the country's growth rates have depended more on the oscillation of commodity prices than on the orientation of the economy towards generating value for the market. These two factors are present in a long period of time, so it can be said that the phenomenon of low competitiveness and, therefore, low growth, is a structural fact. The feeling that we have is that Colombia has not been able to advance in the matter.
Obviously, this situation becomes common and the population begins to worry about what is happening: that we are a regular country from the competitive point of view. In response, people from the economy and business in the country have been raising the need to raise productivity, echoing voices that have highlighted this variable as the central element in the current world economy. But the question really must be asked: Is productivity sufficient? This is, if we bet on the increase in productivity, can the problem of competitiveness be overcome?
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