Customer value measurement

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Alejandro Díaz-Peláez
Humberto Serna-Gómez


Corporate assets, marketing strategy, customer loyalty, commercial management, business valuation


Today, measuring the value for shareholders is a practice incorporated into the world of business valuation. These valuations generally do not include the customer as a value-generating asset, so marketing proposes a vision in which the customer is conceived as an intangible asset of the company, a value-generating agent whose value is built and developed during its life cycle through a process of enduring relationships over a given period of time. In this sense, the Net Value of the customer as a baseline allows the prediction of the customer's value and also facilitates the definition of commercial and market strategies for its life cycle to be a generator of value both for the customer and company. This, the calculation of customer value during the life cycle of a contract or commitment, supported by measures such as attraction, retention, depth of product and/or service penetration, satisfaction, or number of references integrates assessment tools that allow a company to have a better understanding of the value generated by its investment in the customer as a true asset of the organization.


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