Contribution of Non-Bank Correspondents NBC to financial inclusion
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Non-Banking Correspondents, financial inclusion, financial services, state regulation
Purpose: to analyze the contribution of Non-Banking Correspondents (NBC) to financial inclusion (FI), considering different dimensions. Method: analytical-observational research using the methodology of surveys and interviews applied to both users and NBCs in a rural population. Results: the main findings showed that the financial services offered by the NCBs reflect few characteristics of access, although they externalize liquidity risks; they reflect a limited use by the target population, especially because of the lack of trust and transaction costs. Discussions: it is not entirely clear that the strategy of the NCBs is the only one that should be promoted to obtain greater FI of the neglected population. However, they are being used mostly as collectors of payments made to public and private companies. Conclusions: hte most used services in the NBCs do not imply the inclusion of the neglected population. Services such as the opening of basic accounts, deposits, and related withdrawals are subject to fees that must be paid by users and that do not differ from the fees for services in traditional banking channels.
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