The The audit committee as a tool for corporate governance in the financial sector

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Jaime Guevara-Sanabria
Manuela Arbeláez-Bermúdez
Luis Felipe Amaya-Agudelo
Luis Fernando Yepes-Gallego


Audit committee, independence, corporate governance, financial sector


Objective: to analyze the characteristics of the audit committees of the companies that belong to the financial sector in Colombia and that are registered in the Colombian public stock market. Method: qualitative research, through a documentary analysis made to the integrated reports of the entities studied. Results: it was identified that the members of the audit committees have deficiencies in meeting the international parameters of independence. In terms of experience and professional training, good compliance parameters were observed with a variety of professions from the branches of economic sciences that are the ones that in principle should commit the committees. Finally, we draw attention to the difficulty of obtaining corporate information reports with all the information necessary for the conduct of this research, although the financial sector in Colombia is highly regulated. Discussions: audit committees must guarantee transparency and quality in the financial information provided to different users, the absence of independence, they question the effectiveness of the committees. Conclusions: the weakness found in independence could cause damage to the performance of the audit committees, thus distorting their creation and operation.


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