The change in the hospital organization: a view from sociological neo-institutionalism

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Marlén Suárez-Pineda
Alejandra-Elizabeth Urbiola-Solís
Luri Suárez-Pineda


Significance schemes, organizational structure, legitimacy, management practices, health system


Objective: This paper aims to explain from an interpretative perspective the phenomenon of organizational change, motivated by changes in the rationalities of the environment, associated with the new role of the State and the emergence of new actors in the market economy. Method: This research has a qualitative approach with a phenomenological character, using the case study method to examine the reality of a public hospital of medium complexity in Colombia. The techniques for data collection were semi-structured interviews, focus groups, nonparticipating observation, and documentary analysis. Results: It was found that changes in the organizational structure, service management practices, and patterns of significance of the subjects in the hospital were mediated by institutionalized precepts in the health field. Discussions: Nevertheless, the hospital focuses on aligning itself with institutionalized arrangements in the health field, thus achieving legitimacy and permanence, but distancing itself from the mission. Conclusions: Following market logic, the hospital implements policies, structures, and mitigated discourses to improve quality and efficiency. Furthermore, the staff responsible for the mission elaborates contradictory meanings. Empirical evidence is found for the foundational postulates of sociological neo-institutionalism.


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