Spanish adaptation and validation of Cornell Skeletalmuscle instrument of discomfort perception questionnaires (CDMQ)

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Ender Enrique Carrasquero Carrasquero


Skeletalmuscle discomfort, validity, reliability, InsInstrument CMDQ- Cornell.


The objective of this study was to adapt and validate in spanish the Cornell MS perceptive discomfort Questionnaire instrument (CMDQ) advocated by (Hedge, 2004). The methodological protocol consisted of the following phases: a) A Cross-cultural adaptation which consisted of five stages (Translation, Synthesis, Expert review ,validity of the adapted version, presentation and documentary for developers). Followed by a study about validation and reliability on 20 public servants of both sexes who had different jobs in the municipal sector. The process of adaptation to Spanish was done following the proposed protocol of Beaton, Bombardier, Guillemin, & Ferraz (2000) . The results obtained after measuring the internal consistency of the CMDQ coefficients in Spanish and inter-observer test-retest reliability,support that assertion. The instrument's validity is confirmed by the concurrent and construct validity (comparing scores of public servants) before and after the test. The study supports the conclusion that the E-CMDQ tool is a reliable and valid instrument for perceptual exploration of skeletalmuscle discomfort in the context of an evaluation of jobs in Spanish speaking countries, and particularly those in which are involved nonergonomics risks.


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