Analysis of the Mexican tax reform for the first quarter of 2014

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Juan Lino Gamiño
Arturo Torres Gutiérrez
Sergio López Jiménez
Sergio Ramírez Cacho


Fiscal Policy, Public Economics, Public Finance, Tax Induced


The main objective of this paper is to analyze the Mexican Tax Reform during the first trimester 2014. One ofthe main instruments of Financial Policy, and first government priority, is that of Political Tax, due to thecollection function that is conferred to it, which must be one of the main income sources of the country,which also serves as a base for the determination of the annual public expenditure budget. The research is of the exploratory type, with a non-experimental design, longitudinal or progressive, based on electronic and printed documents, supported with existing indexes .Its quantitative nature permitted the codification process. As a conclusion, it is required a deep and duly planned Tax Reform that includes a great deal of aspects in which the public finance be balanced at par with micro and macro indicators that see household income reflected as well as the income of large companies ,passing through the country’s SMEs and SMEs who are the ones that make the economy move, so the start of reforms in Mexico has fallen short of expectations where a grim future ahead can be foreseen.


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