Green marketing strategies in Wayuu SMEs of handicraft marketing and distribution

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Nair Cantillo Camp
Annherys Paz Marcano
José Ojeda Hidalgo


Environment, ecological culture, green marketing, responsible consumption, SMEs, sustainability


Objective: in this study, green marketing was analyzed in Wayuu handicraft small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), specifically marketers and distributors, to promote strategies that raise awareness about environmental care and preservation. Method: A positivist paradigm was used, with a quantitative, descriptive, nonexperimental, and cross-sectional design. Twenty managers and/or owners of small and medium-sized Wayuu handicraft companies, registered with the Chamber of Commerce of the special tourist and cultural district of Riohacha, participated in the study. A 12-item self-administered questionnaire with multiple response options was applied. Results: It was observed that green marketing strategies are being used in the studied SMEs, focusing on recycling and reuse, with an aim to preserve the environment through their management practices. Discussions: Although some green marketing strategies are applied, they are still in the early stages among these merchants, highlighting the need for greater awareness to foster an ecological culture based on the sustainability of the craft production process. Conclusions: Wayuu Handicraft SMEs, through the implementation of green marketing strategies, promote responsible consumption and encourage their collaborators and other entrepreneurs to adopt an ecological attitude, thereby generating a pattern of shared environmental behavior where they are located.


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