The impact of teleworking on COVID-19 times

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Luis Fernando Restrepo Betancur
Luz Marina Arboleda Montoya


Covid-19, home office, virtual organizations, remote work, information and communication technologies


Objective: This research aimed to characterize the opinion of adults working at home during the study concerning telework during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: Under the teleworking modality, we applied a structured and validated survey to 1,300 people living in Medellín, Colombia. The sample was not random, with equal weighting factor by sex, where the age of the participants was greater than 18 years. Statistical techniques such as factor analysis, multivariate analysis of variance, frequency distribution, and one-dimensional descriptive statistics were used in the process of information analysis. Results: As a main finding, a statistical difference was found between both genders regarding their opinion of telework (p < 0.05), while females had a better perception concerning the current mode of work. Conclusions: We concluded that telework affected the quality of sleep and eating habits because this way of working requires more computational knowledge and greater responsibility; however, this modality has brought many advantages to organizations and their employees, allowing both parties to benefit.


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