Sustainability standard implementation: an approach based on social representations in accommodation entrepreneurs
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Knowledge, sustainable development, technical sustainability standard, tourism industry, organizational theory
Objective: This study examined the social representations of the sustainability standard NTS-T 002 regarding micro-, small-, and medium-sized entrepreneurial enterprises. We focused on a province of the Boyacá (Colombia) department. The study also examined the standards that may introduce changes in organizations’ internal and external environments. Method: We used a qualitative approach using phenomenology as the study method. Due to the worldwide importance of sustainability standards as an instrument, this study designed a semi-structured interview, a focus group for hotel owners, and an interview with the tourism industry players. Results and Discussions: This study yielded results regarding the knowledge of sustainability and the standard perceived by the players above, as well as the entrepreneurs’ perception of how important implementing this standard is, notwithstanding the financial, social, and environmental benefits for the organizational context. However, some players feel concerned and reject the mandatory nature of this process because they do not have the same guarantees as large companies. Conclusions: Concerning the actions they are willing to take to achieve the standard implementation and/or certification process, they mention the large investments they must make in terms of infrastructure and hiring of staff, among other things, which are not recovered within a short term.
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