Impact of programmed technological obsolescence on personal financial management

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Nancy Guerra Herrera
Lady Carolina Niño Beltrán


Financial applications, personal finance, technological obsolescence, financial planning, smartphones


Aim: This research aims to expose the effect of programmed technological obsolescence on personal financial management performed through Android financial apps. Method: A quantitative study with an exploratory design was conducted based on a sample of 73 Google Play Store applications that manage personal finances. Non-participant observation and exploratory data analysis techniques were employed by collecting the information in observation records. Results and Discussions: We determined that personal financial management mediated by financial apps is negatively affected by technological obsolescence and that smartphone hardware and software materialize a typology of obsolescence that affects the financial control stage. No studies have directly related programmed technological obsolescence to personal financial management using apps. Therefore, the importance of continuous adaptability to smartphone hardware and software updates, altering financial decision-making, is not understood. Conclusions: Personal finances managed with financial apps and/or smartphones are vulnerable to technological obsolescence, generating insecurity in the technological management of financial information and causing loss of financial control.


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