Motivations for starting a franchise business model
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Business creation, franchisees, investors, innovation, entrepreneurship opportunities
Objective: This study aimed to identify the motivations behind entrepreneurs’ choice of franchising as a business model over traditional entrepreneurship to help understand the prevalence of the former over the latter. Method: Research was conducted with a mixed approach and an exploratory design based on interviews and surveys with 32 entrepreneurs with franchises in Cundinamarca, Colombia. Results: The main motivation was the investment and diversification of their resources to not depend on income obtained from employment. Discussions: It can be affirmed that people undertake this type of business because it provides an opportunity and they are encouraged from an economic perspective. Nevertheless, deciding whether to invest or become an entrepreneur can generate an opportunity to create a culture that stimulates information about franchises, particularly for women. Conclusions: Franchising has become a model to reduce uncertainty in the search for income diversification as it allows a business idea to be explored, in which the customer and the gap in the market have already been identified. Along with the established brand, support, and market knowledge, franchising is an attractive model for inexperienced investors.
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