Mapping of innovation actors with low absorption capacity

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Paola Amar-Sepúlveda
Luis Eduardo Ortíz-Ospino
Ronald Álvarez-Martínez
Estiven González-Sarmiento


Absorption capacity, competitiveness and innovation, CTeI, entrepreneurship, business enterprises, regional innovation systems


Objective: The Caribbean region, particularly the San Andrés, Providencia, and Santa Catalina departments, has great potential to become a region with high competitiveness and innovation. However, the archipelago currently has no guidance tools that facilitate the consolidation of a Sistema Regional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación or that support the operationalization of effective policies for productive development, competitiveness, and promotion of culture for entrepreneurship. Method: Through a literature review, this investigation seeks to analyze the departments’ current situation to obtain a broad vision. Results: The investigation reveals that the Regional CTeI System of the archipelago comprises few actors; however, in the quadruple helix model, the hybrids perform and actively participate in CTeI activities to promote and strengthen the regional innovation system in the island. Discussions: The insufficient contribution of propeller companies in this system is alarming, indicating that the island does not have clusters or corporate societies that positively reinforce and/or favor the articulation of the SRI. Conclusions: This article proposes that the department needs to strengthen the articulation of the different strategic economic sectors in the short, medium, and long term, prioritizing the development of the tourism, fishing, and agricultural sectors from the intervention of CTeI activities.


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