Determining the mediating effect of innovation on the relation between absorptive capacitive and business performance

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Álvaro Enrique Santamaría Escobar
Ángel León González Ariza
Francia Helena Prieto Baldovino


Knowledge absorption, dynamic capabilities, business performance, innovation


Objective: to analyze the mediating effect of innovation on the relation between absorptive capacitive and business performance in manufacturing companies in the dairy sector of the Colombian Caribbean, contributing to the development of the industry from a dynamic capabilities approach. Method: the research employed a positivist approach, an explanatory scope, and non-experimental transactional design. For the analysis, data were collected from 75 companies, and partial least squares structural equation modeling was used for analysis. Results: innovative capacity positively mediated the relation between absorptive capacity and business performance. When opportunities are identified in the market, organizations reconfigure their capacities to seize them. They manage cooperation links (internal and external), adjust (disruptively) the degree of innovation (of products, processes, marketing, and administrative), and balance their potential and realized absorption capacity. This approach enables them to anticipate market demands, obtaining superior performance. However, the trajectory set forth by the seminal authors of dynamic capabilities should be corrected: organizations first sense and then reconfigure to seize. The sequence of sensing, seizing, and then reconfiguring is not logical. Conclusions: cooperative relations facilitate the reconfiguration of resources and capacities, aligning disruptive innovation (knowledge frontier) with market demands.


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