Business Intelligence for the improvement of Technological Surveillance in the colombian private university sector: case study

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Paula Márquez-Vásquez
Lady Caicedo-Consuegra


Knowledge management, Higher Education Institutions, Business Intelligence, Decision making, Technological Surveillance


The purpose of this article focuses on the role of Business Intelligence (BI) in enhancing Technological Surveillance (TS) as a supportive tool for the project office of a Private Higher Education Institution (HEI) in the Colombian private university sector. For the development of the study, a qualitative methodology was employed in which the SWOT matrix and the AS-IS matrix were used to analyze the most appropriate methodology for improving Technological Surveillance (TS) in that sector. The unit of analysis was a private, non-profit HEI with a regional character. Additionally, a documentary review of institutional reports, specifically in the project management area, was conducted. The main result of the documentary analysis was the finding that one of the most latent weaknesses of the HEI in Technological Surveillance (TS) is the low level of technological sophistication in this process. Despite having a set of strengths that enable them to carry out their mission activities, there are technological limitations that delay other processes such as analysis of calls for proposals, formulation, and project application. In this sense, the implementation of the Business Intelligence (BI) model and the incorporation of Power BI software are seen as supportive tools that allow for the improvement of Technological Surveillance (TS) processes in any area of the organization, as well as an increase in income generation capacity, since obtaining real-time information reduces the risk of late identification of threats and missed opportunities. Additionally, by automating data collection and analysis, the time and resources required to perform tasks manually are reduced. The information is presented clearly and concisely, facilitating its interpretation and enabling decision-makers to act promptly.


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