Technostress and techno-addiction: analysis of the role of work–family balance

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Eliana Quiroz-González
Luisa Espinal-Guevara
Erika Villavicencio-Ayub


Addiction, Work context, Stress, Family, Psychosocial risks, Human talent, Technologies


Objective: to analyze the role of work–family balance in technostress and techno-addiction among colombian workers. This objective aligns with the need to study resources that protect workers from emerging psychosocial risks. Method: A non-experimental, cross-sectional study with an associative strategy was conducted, involving 512 participants (326 women and 186 men). A sociodemographic data sheet and RED-Technostress and SWING work–family interaction questionnaires were administered. Univariate and bivariate analyses were performed, and a path model was designed. Results: A significant negative correlation was identified between work–family balance and discomfort (r=-.206, p<.001), compulsive use (r=-.169, p<.000), and excessive use (r=-.233, p<.000). Additionally, the estimated values in the path
model indicate relationships between work–family balance and discomfort (r=-.21, p<.001), compulsive use (r=-.17,
p<.001), and excessive use of technology (r=-.23, p<.001); these are moderate and inversely proportional, whereas
there is no significance with rejection (r=-.02). This means that greater work–family balance results in less discomfort,
compulsive use, and excessive use of technology. Conclusions: It is determined that work–family balance serves as a resource that can mitigate psychosocial risks such as technostress and techno-addiction. There is a negative relationship between work–family balance and discomfort from technology use, suggesting that workers who successfully balance their work and family responsibilities may experience less stress and anxiety related to technology use.


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