Innovation processes in the business management of agroindustrial ventures: MIDE business incubator case

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Gelca Gutiérrez Barranco
Martha Lucia Mendoza Castro
Efren Danilo Ariza Ruiz


Value chains, competitiveness, creativity, economic development, open innovation.


Objective: to analyze innovation processes in business management among agro-industrial enterprises within the MIDE business incubator to enhance the competitiveness of small producers in the Cesar Department. Method: a non experimental, cross-sectional, and descriptive field design was used, without intentional manipulation of variables. These were measured and analyzed in their natural conditions on a single occasion to understand their impact. The sample included 25 entrepreneurs from the MIDE incubator, who completed a questionnaire on innovation in business management. Results: limited skills were identified in the implementation of innovation strategies in marketing, organization, and production by entrepreneurs in the agro-industrial sector. This finding was contrasted with secondary sources highlighting the importance of innovation for business success. Conclusions: the results reveal a low level of innovation across the three dimensions evaluated, limiting the ability of agro-industrial enterprises to improve their competitiveness and achieve sustainable development. Despite recognizing the importance of innovation, a gap exists between theoretical knowledge and the practical application of innovative strategies, emphasizing the need to strengthen these aspects in future research. 


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