Analysis of the behavior in the informal micro-entrepreneur sector in Colombia


Saul Rick Fernández Hurtado
Liliana Marcela Torres Games
Maria Fernanda Libreros Bonilla
Luz Angela Martinez Martinez


Employment;, Informal sector;, Job;, Small businesses;, Tax evasion.


Objective: The objective of this research is intended to raise awareness among micro-entrepreneurs, students and society in general about the importance of microenterprises in their economic activity. Method: In order to fulfill the general objective of the study, an exploratory research with data has been applied, with information gathered in a time span involving data collected in conjunction with the direct problems that this contract has with the Colombian society. The study was carried out with a sample of 100 micro enterprises and the informal sector in the research located in Cali (Colombia); the instrument for collecting information on informal micro-enterprises was made through surveys, the study was performed in order to obtain real, measurable and attainable data, resulting in a descriptive analysis using the corresponding variables in the research. Results and Discussion: The study showed that a negative correlation was obtained given that there are a number of microenterprises not legally constituted and, therefore, it was found that these belong to the group of family businesses, which makes it clear that the salary variable is not defined by its business variability.Companies will have greater capacity for goods and services and will eradicate informal enterprises, thus the government will obtain higher taxes, but without abusing them, since if taxes are high, it will lead the companies to evade and are not formalized legally. The financial sector should be more competent to the new micro-entrepreneurs, given that being new to the business system; they require greater support through financial resources and government entities. Conclusion: The environment variable of the informal sector concludes that the phenomenon of informality in the country is predisposed to education levels with the purpose of managing unproductive assets under a formal education managed from the management positions. It is necessary and of vital importance that the State takes measures and solutions relevant to the motivation to include the informal sector within the formal sector.


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