Elaboración de un plan de marketing que permita aumentar la demanda de estudiantes aspirantes al programa administración de empresas en la universidad Simón Bolívar del distrito de Barranquilla

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Pedro Daza Flórez
Danna Iriarte Mendoza
Sandra Otero Díaz
Rosilda Mercado Lascarro
Nina Patricia Pérez Molano


Marketing Education, Marketing Plan, Marketing Strategies


The purpose of this research project is to design a Marketing Plan for the Faculty of Business Administration from the University Simón Bolívar, this is the first research design, setting out the approach to the problem, objectives, scope and expected results. Is made from a literature review on the theoretical framework of reference or Marketing Plan. Subsequently is suggested the procedure for preparing such a plan and explains the parts that includes it. Finally, it provides an action plan to make it work with the required effectiveness. It reached conclusions and recommendation that shows the importance of this project grade.


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Información suministrada por el Departamento de Estadística de la Universidad Simón Bolívar. Facultad de Administración de Empresas.