Organizational management as success strategy value to minimize reluctance SMES

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Ramiro Gamboa Suárez
Luis Alfredo Jiménez Rodríguez


Organizational Success, Management, Reluctance, SMEs.


The essential purpose of the research was to analyze the management of organizational success as a valuable tool to minimize the reluctance in SMEs. Methodologically, is confined within the post-positivist paradigm, qualitative epistemological approach, an experiential introspective approach was applied, use was made of the observation, which involves the insertion of fact in the referential framework of values, beliefs and attitudes, constituting a network personal meanings. grounded theory was assumed, allowing object-subject integration and responds to the research problem in the social area. Unstructured interview was used, which was applied to selected organizations, predetermination of key informants, which became a source of information. The results of this study concluded that aspects such as strategic to strengthen corporate awareness support, the architecture of organizational learning, growth option to improve organizational and commitment environment, and building suggestions by the human asset as business strategy, allow the use of findings as expeditious basis for the realities of managing organizational success as a valuable tool to minimize the reluctance SMEs are known.


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