Characterization of financial literacy profiles in Colombian households

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Efraín Javier De La Hoz-Granadillo
José Morelos-Gómez
María Candelaria Escobar-Zapata


Multivariate analysis, financial behavior, personal finance, financial literacy


Objective: The study characterized financial education profiles in Colombia to understand the financial performance of households. Method: We applied the multivariate statistical analysis techniques of cluster and discriminant analysis to the 2018 household financial burden and financial education survey results in a random sample of 1,000 individuals conducted by the National Administrative Department of Statistics in Colombia. Results: The findings showed four characteristic groups of financial education and discriminant capacity in 94.1% of cases correctly classified. Discussions: Although the study shows clear trends in financial knowledge and behavior of the groups of households analyzed, the study should be expanded by applying other multivariate tools for predicting household financial behavior. Conclusions: In the married population, most men tended to have greater financial knowledge but poor management of personal finances, unlike women, who generally showed better financial behavior and education.


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