Relationship between psychosocial factors and service quality in educational institutions

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Luis Alberto Araujo Dorado
María Trinidad Plaza Gómez
Helman Hernández Riaño


Quality education, structural equation model, resilience, psychosocial risks, burnout syndrome


Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between psychosocial risks such as burnout syndrome and adaptation to changes through resilience present in teachers’ and students’ perceptions of the quality of educational service in the Córdoba (Colombia) department. Method: The research was quantitative, cross-sectional cohort, and relationship analysis. It was attended by 239 teachers and 737 students from 20 institutions in the chosen municipalities. The instruments used to measure the variables included MBI-ES to determine the Maslach burnout inventory for teachers, CD RISC-10 to measure resilience, and SERVQUAL to measure service quality. A general model was proposed using the structural equation model analysis technique to determine the relationship between the variables. Results and Discussions: The findings show that high levels of resilience in teachers are related to low levels of burnout syndrome and high levels of quality perceived by their students, demonstrating a relationship between the variables and acceptance of the proposed model. Conclusions: The relationship of the variables is important in specifying the worker’s condition and inspecting if it directly affects customer service. Our findings can also help to explore new factors that may affect teachers’ workplaces by impacting their performances.


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