Cognitive and affective consumer behaviors in relation to the brand

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Maria Cristina Otero Gómez
Wilson Giraldo Pérez


Brand attachment, brand community, post-consumption behavior, consumer, repurchase intention


Objective: To analyze the effect of cognitive and affective components on brand/community attachment and post-consumption behavior through positive word-of-mouth (word-of-mouth + resistance to negative information) and repurchase intention to determine which construct is more influential. Method: Quantitative study that exposes a causal model of consumer–brand–brand community relationships. The variables analyzed passed validity and reliability tests verified through structural equation modeling using SmartPLS software. Results and Discussions: brand attachment (BA) has direct brand involvement and identification antecedents. Furthermore, both BA and brand community attachment lead to brand promotion, resistance to negative information, and interest in repeat purchases in the future. Conclusions: Consumers develop a long-term relationship with their brand; they rely first on the cognitive component and then on the affected component. Furthermore, there are categories in which the consumer’s reflexive, analytical, and conscious behavior motivates and leads to purchase decisions and use of the brand.


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