Factors of performance management and marketing strategies in small businesses

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Darianis Pimentel Laurens https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5235-704X
Leonardo David Niebles Nuñez https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2970-2498
Javier Ramírez Durán https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3663-9215


Performance standards, marketing strategies, performance evaluation, strategic planning


Objective: This study analyzes the association between performance management factors and marketing strategies in small businesses to understand how these two variables are related within the business context. Method: A quantitative, correlational field study was conducted, in which a Likert-type survey with 61 items was applied across four dimensions: two related to performance management and two related to marketing strategies. This survey was administered to 94 small businesses in Barranquilla’s city (Colombia). Results: The findings reveal that a significant proportion of the surveyed small businesses have properly developed marketing strategies and performance management. In addition, a high level of positive association between both variables is evident. Discussions: These results contrast with other contexts where marketing strategies become highly associated variables (in various moderator studies) with performance management. Conclusions: The panorama found within the small businesses of Barranquilla City shows a representative level of performance management and a moderate level of marketing strategies. This reality must be overcome to achieve true competitiveness within the current market, as it is evident that improving these strategies would lead to better performance management.


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