Assessment management strategy work key recognition talent in social state enterprises
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key talent, labor recognition, social enterprise, valuation management
The purpose of this article is to analyze valuation management as a strategy for recognizing the key labor talent in state social enterprises. The qualitative approach was applied, with an epistemic orientation to the social sciences, circumscribing itself in the grounded theory. Key informants were taken out of the managers of public and private health care institutions. Among the findings, it was noted that in terms of organizational factors, there is an inadequate culture at work, with its repercussions. In addition, they are distinguished by being vertical organizations, with existence of failures such as not guaranteeing the stability of the workforce and non-induction. Regarding labor recognition and taking into account the types and strategies, it is not considered relevant to the administrative process, there is a lack of knowledge of the record of clinical incidents, a mirror effect of the employee with the manager is also experienced. It is concluded that there are other fundamental factors in the management, such as: efficiency, need of patients, loyalty as a client, competitiveness for the humanization of the hospital service, the trust of everyone in what they do, the vision according to Market demand and the emotional involvement of workers.
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