Gender stereotypes and decision-making styles: a look at public universities

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Katherine Durán-Flórez
José Gregorio Arévalo-Ascanio
Wilder Quintero-Quintero


Gender economics, Decision-making styles, Gender equality, Higher education institution, Public leadership, Public university


Objective: analyze the existence of gender stereotypes and decision-making styles in public universities, aiming to identify the most commonly used decision-making styles based on gender in these types of organizations. Method: this research adopts a quantitative approach, employing a survey as the instrument, which was administered to 66 leaders (both women and men) from the four institutional processes: strategic, mission-related, evaluation and improvement, and support. The participants were identified using the process map of the university under study. The instrument allowed for the identification of the main sociodemographic, occupational, and educational characteristics of decision-makers, taking into account their gender. Results: an apparent absence of gender stereotypes was observed, indicating a relative equality in leadership positions, with the participation of 34 women and 32 men. However, other analyzed characteristics differed considerably based on gender. Conclusion: the study reveals that the predominant decision-making style is behavioral, meaning that both men and women tend to act intuitively when making decisions. The conceptual style comes in second place, followed by the directive style, which is the least commonly utilized.


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