Systematic literature review: MOOC K-12 and STEAM
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- Articles
- Submited: November 23, 2021
Published: December 13, 2021
Objective: To identify research works focused on MOOCs K-12 or STEAM, focused on the potential of education environments, reshaping the current educational framework in secondary education. Methodology: Equations were defined to search for articles published in conferences and journals using bibliographic databases, which allowed subtracting the articles to build the corpus of references. Subsequently, the most significant investigations for the development of the systematic review are analyzed and synthesized. Results: This review will identify trends, challenges, and opportunities on MOOC K-12 or STEAM, identifying the implementations of courses in computer science or computational thinking in education. This type of initiative has obtained favorable results since the number of students who select computer programming as a fundamental axis in the national exam for higher education has increased. Conclusions: Most of the research has focused on incorporating programming with complementary courses offered optionally in secondary education, with a combined approach, that is, traditional classes are carried out with the support of MOOCs. Most MOOCs for secondary education have explicitly been implemented to meet the needs of secondary education teachers and students to enhance and support the curriculum and motivate students as future active members in creating technology.
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