DEVA a Methodology based on User-Centered Design for the development of a search system for judicial documents
Copyright (c) 2022 Investigación e Innovación en Ingenierías
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
- Articles
- Submited: January 24, 2022
Published: May 23, 2022
Summary: This work provides a methodology to analyze user preferences regarding the components that a judicial search engine should include. We validate this methodology by developing a search system. Starting from initial characteristics, we designed a search prototype. A test was then applied to identify whether the search engine meets the user's needs. The prototype developed was compared to other next-generation search engines in terms of user satisfaction and accuracy. The results show that our proposal outperforms other search engines. Objective: Define and implement the components for the development of a judicial search engine. Methodology: The methodology consists of in: Definition: Includes a review of the state of the art of the technologies associated with the project. Prototype development: Different modules and components of the system are developed here. Evaluation: focused on usability and user satisfaction. Results: The characteristics and elements necessary for the search engine were identified. To this end, Benchmarking on general aspects and components of jurisprudence search engines was carried out. Additionally, a survey was conducted with 79 legal experts. Finally, a use test was carried out. Conclusions: A prototype of the search engine was designed according to the characteristics declared by the users. This prototype showed optimal usability and navigation because it was designed considering the needs of the user's jurisprudence. Its interfaces are easy to understand and its filters make the search process more agile and precise. Finally, the developed search engine offers a good experience to the users.
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