Diagnosis of anthropogenic environmental impacts present in a Department of Colombia
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- Articles
- Submited: February 16, 2022
Published: February 24, 2022
Objective: Environmental environmental diagnosis of the Complejo Cenagoso Santiago Apóstol CCSA including the Arroyo Grande de Corozal, located in the Sucre state, determining the main anthropogenic pressures that impact the quality of the water resource and the ecosystem. Methodology: An analysis of the characteristics of the complex was carried out and the perception of the surrounding communities was evaluated. In addition, physicochemical and microbiological parameters were evaluated, and the IMPRESS methodology was applied to identify the pressures and impact on these water bodies. Results: Discharges related mainly to livestock and agro-industrial activities, as well as water of domestic origin, were identified. The lack of water treatment plants has an impact on the CCSA and this is reflected in the high presence of total coliforms, BOD and dissolved solids, mainly in the AGC. In addition, the population perceives these bodies of water as a high value asset, but they consider that they do not have an impact. The impacts and the definition of the risk of the pressures on the bodies of water of interest gave the main pressures to the point sources, morphological alterations and land use, having a proven impact and representing a high risk. Conclusions: The management of water resources, the implementation of treatment plants and the use of biotechnological alternatives such as phycoremediation would be of the utmost importance to reduce contamination factors and preserve the CCSA. In addition, it is necessary to promote a culture and awareness of conservation and protection of these bodies of water.
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