Guidelines for authors
The articles that aspire to publication in this Journal must be sent via OJS, for which they must be registered at the following link any questions can be communicate to the email, the article must be accompanied by a clause of transfer of patrimonial rights for the Journal of Investigación e Innovación en Ingenierías .
Articles must comply with the following:
- The article has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal.
- The file has been sent in Microsoft Word format.
- The text complies with the bibliographic (IEEE Standards) and style requirements indicated in the Authors' Standards.
- Add web page link or DOI in references where possible.
- The text does not contain personal information or any other information that hinders the blind peer review process.
- The total length of the article is between 20 – 25 pages, including tables, figures and bibliographical references
- Tables and figures numbered and with source when these are own, own elaboration is indicated.
- Editable mathematical formulas
- All authors are identified, the corresponding author's e-mail address was added, and the ORCIDs of each one were incorporated. In the case of authors of Colombian nationality or who are attached to Colombian universities, the CVLAC link or resume must be added.
- To avoid the incorrect or exaggerated use of capital letters, its application will be limited to the cases contemplated by the RAE, when the manuscript is in Spanish.
- The journal receives articles from:
- Scientific research articles: they must express in detail original results of completed scientific research, of at least 30 updated and specialized references on the topic addressed.
- Review articles: this is a critical, constructive and innovative analysis of a topic based on the synthesis, classification, comparison and interpretation of previous publications. It must be based on a rigorous review of at least seventy 70 updated and specialized references on the topic addressed.
Articles submitted to Investigación e Innovación en Ingenierías should have the following structure:
Title: The title should be written in Arial font of 14-point font size. The title should be centered and should have initial capitalization. The research study’s title, group, and line of research should be referenced in the page footer. The title should be included in Spanish and English.
Full name of author(s): Arial 12 font and at the foot of the page specify their academic titles, institutional affiliation, ORCID code, Cvlac link for Colombian authors, correspondence email.
Abstract: Abstract must be written in Arial font, size 12, with initial capitalization. This should be centered. It must be structured within 150 to 250 words and must cover the following points:
Objective and originality: an abstract must clearly express the main objective of the study and the hypothesis.
Methodology or method: all essential aspects of the methodology and materials used for the research must be described.
Results: the main results and the exact level of statistical importance must be presented. New results must be emphasized.
Conclusions: the primary conclusions and their implications must be clearly stated, and future research should be carried out, if appropriate.
Keywords: 5 to 8 keywords that represent the document’s content must be stated in 12-point Arial font.
The abstract should be written in third person and in past tense. Literal quotations, abbreviations, and bibliographical references should be avoided.
Abstract: The same content of the abstract in Spanish should be presented in English.
- Keywords: the Spanish keywords must be translated into English.
Document’s development: 1. Introduction. 2. Methodology, 3. Results and Discussion. 4. Conclusions, and 5. Bibliographic References.
Bibliographic references: These include the cited or referenced texts in the article and must appear at the end of the document. Each literal or indirect quote must be stated in Arabic numbers between brackets [ ] according to the order they appear in the text in compliance with IEEE regulations. Furthermore, authors are encouraged to use recent references on the topic and state the DOI number.
The information should be organized as follows:
- Books
[Assigned number] Initials of the author’s first name. Surname(s). Name of the book in italics, Edition no., City of publication, Country: Publishing House, year, chapter (optional), section (optional), pages consulted.
[1] R. G. Gallager, Principles of Digital Communication. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
- Periodical publications
[Assigned number] Initials of the author’s first name. Surname(s). “Name of the article in quotation marks,” in Name of the periodical publication, Vol. x, no. x, pages consulted, Abbreviation of the periodical publication (optional), month/period, year.
[2] C. Obando, “Influencia del agua en el desempeño de los pavimentos: lluvia acida,” [Influence of water on asphalt’s performance: acid rain] Investigación e Innovación en Ingenierias, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 190 – 207, 2017. DOI: 10.17081/invinno.5.2.2761
- Article from an online journal
[Assigned number] Initials of the author’s first name. Surname(s). (Year, month, day). Name of the article. Name of the journal in italics [Type of media]. No. Vol. (copy No.), pages consulted. Available at:
[3] J. Areito Bertolín and A. Areito Bertolín. (2009, abr). Test de penetración y gestión de vulnerabilidad, estrategia clave para evaluar la seguridad. [Introduction test and vulnerability management, key strategy to assess security] Revista Española de Electrónica [Online]. (653), 1. Available at:
- Article presented at a conference
[Assigned number] Initials of the author’s first name. Surname(s), “Name of the article in quotation marks,” presented at Name of the conference, City of the conference, Abbreviation of the conference (optional), Country, month, year.
[4] H. Wells, “Transportación cuántica,” [Quantum transportation] Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Applied Quantum Mechanics, Boston, USA, February, 1954.
- If the conference publishes its reports online
[Assigned number] Initials of the author’s first name. “Name of the article in quotation marks” presented at Name of the conference. [Type of media]. Country, month, year. Available at:
[5] S. Ortega, “Descubrimientos en crimen electrónico,” [Findings in electronic crimes] presented at the 2007 International Conference for crime research. [Online]. March, 2001. Available at:
- Degree theses, dissertations, and degree research projects
[Assigned number] Initials of the author’s first name. Surname(s), “Name of the thesis/dissertation/degree research project,” Doctoral dissertation (or M.Sc. or degree research project) program abbreviation, university abbreviation, University city, country, year.
[6] J. O. Williams, “Narrow-band analyzer,” Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Elect. Eng. Harvard Uni., Cambridge, MA, 1993.