Recolectando Métricas para el Desarrollo de la Programación Orientada a Aspectos
Corresponding Author(s) : Adriana Iglesias
Investigación e Innovación en Ingenierías,
Vol. 1 Núm. 1 (2013): Enero - Junio
La Programación Orientada a Aspectos es un estilo de programación cuyo principal objetivo es lograr una adecuada modularización de los conceptos involucrados en una aplicación, esto se traduce en lograr la separación entre los requerimientos funcionales de los no funcionales, para obtener un mejorentendimiento de los conceptos, eliminando la dispersión del código y haciendo que las implementaciones resulten más comprensibles, adaptables y reutilizable. A su vez proporciona un marco de trabajo que permite al programador separar claramente componentes y aspectos a través de mecanismos que hagan posible abstraerlos y componerlos para producir el sistema global.
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1. GregorKickzales, John Lamping, AnuragMendhekar, Chris Maeda, Cristina Videira Lopes, Jean-Marc Loingtier, John
Irwin. “Aspect-Oriented Programming”, European Conference on Object Oriented Programming (ECOOP),
2. Universidad del Bío-Bío. Profesor Guía. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales. Departamento de Sistemas de
3. METRICAS APLICADAS A LA PROGRAMACION ORIENTADA A ASPECTOS (Worskshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación WICC-2006) Lorena S. Baigorria, Germán Montejano Departamento de Informática, Universidad Nacional de San Luis San Luis- CP 5700- Argentina
4. Junichi Suzuki, Yoshikazu Yamamoto. Extending UML with Aspect: Aspect Support in the Design Phase. 3er Aspect-OrientedProgramming (AOP) Workshop at ECOOP’99.
5. Mira Mezini (Programación orientada a aspectos y el razonamiento modular).
6. Cristina VideiraLopes (Programación orientada a aspectos).
7. Karl Lieberherr (Programación orientada a aspectos con los métodos adaptativos), Stefan Hanenberg (¿Cuál es el
impacto de la programación orientada a aspectos sobre el mantenimiento de software? Un estudio empírico con
AspectJ y Java (Tesis de Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Computación, 2010).
8. Shyam R. Chidamber, Chris F. Kemerer. A Metrics suite for Object Oriented design. M.I.T. SloanSchool of Management E53-315. 1993
9. Daniela Glasberg, Khaled El Emam, WalcelioMelo, NazimMadhavji: Validating Object-Oriented Design Metrics
on a Commercial Java Application. 2000.
10. Houari A. Sahraoui, Robert Godin, ThierryMiceli: Can Metrics Help Bridging the Gap Between the Improvement of
OO Design Quality and Its Automation.
11. Administración de conflictos entre Aspectos en AspectJ. Sandra Casas, Claudia Marcos, VerónicoVanoli,
HectorReinaga, Luis Sierpe, jane Pryor y Claudio Saldivia. In Proceedings of the Six Argentine Symposium on
Software Engineering (ASSE´2005) ISSN 1666 1087, 34 JAIIO (JornadasArgentinas de Informática e InvestigaciónOperativa) ISSN 1666, pp 111-125. Rosario Agosto 2005.
12. OMG Unified Modeling Language specification
13. Jingjun Zhang; Yuejuan Chen; Guangyuan Liu; Modeling Aspect-Oriented Programming with UMLProfile Education
Technology and Computer Science, 2009. ETCS '09. First International Workshop on
14. N. Debnath L. Baigorria, D. Riesco, G. Montejano “Metrics Applied to Aspect Oriented Design Using UML Profiles”
IEEE symposium on computers and communications 2008 (ISCC 2008) Press Marruecos.
15. Jos Warner; AnnekeKleppe; “The Object Constraint Language” Precise Modeling with UML; Eddison Wesley
Publishing 1999.
16. OCL2.0 Specification,, Julio del 2008.
17. On the role of scientific thought. Prof. Dr. Edsger W Dijkstra. Burroughs Research Fellow 30th August 1974 xx/EWD447.html
18. Adaptive Object-Oriented Software - The Demeter Meted, Karl Lieberherr, College of Computer Science, Northeastern University Boston, 1996
19. Aspect-Oriented Programming GregorKiczales, John Lamping, AnuragMendhekar, Chris
Maeda, Cristina Videira Lopes, Jean-Marc Loingtier, John Irwin
20. Visión general de la Programación Orientada a Aspectos Antonia Mª Reina Quintero Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos Universidad de Sevilla Diciembre, 2000
21. Extending UML with Aspects: Aspect Support in the Design Phase Junichi Suzuki, Yoshikazu Yamamoto
3rd Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) Workshop at ECOOP’99
22. From AOP to UML: Towards an Aspect-Oriented Architectural Modeling Approach Mohamed M. Kandé, JörgKienzle and Alfred Strohmeier Software Engineering Laboratory Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
CH - 1015 Lausanne EPFL Switzerland
23. A UML Profile for Aspect Oriented Modeling Omar Aldawud, TzillaElrad, AtefBader OOPSLA 2001 workshop on Aspect Oriented Programming
24. UML Profile Definition for Dealing with the Notification Aspect in Distributed Environments José Conejero, Juan Hernández, Roberto Rodríguez 6th International Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modeling March 14, 2005, Chicago, Illinois, USA
25. Want My AOP (Part 1, 2 and 3)RamnivasLaddad Java World, January 2002 aspect.html
26. Programación Orientada a Aspectos, análisis del paradigma Fernando Asteasuain, Bernardo Ezequiel Contreras
Tesis de Licenciatura Departamento de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación, UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL SUR, Argentina, Octubre de 2002
27. AspectJ Project
28. The AspectJ Programming Guide
29. L. Berger, “Junction Point Aspect: A Solution to Simplify Implementation of Aspect Languages and Dynamic Management of Aspect Programs”, in Proceedings of ECOOP 2000, Junio de 2000, Francia.
30. Duoence R., Fradet P., Südholt M. “Detection and Resolution of Aspect Interactions”, Technical Report Nº4435, INRIA, ISSN 0249-6399, Francia, 2002.
31. Duoence R., Fradet P., Südholt M. “A Framework for the Detection and Resolution of Aspect Interaction”, In
Proceeding of GPCE 2002, vol. 2487 of LNCS, USA, 2002, Springer Verlag, pp 173-188.
32. Storzer M., Krinkle J. “Interference Analisys for AspectJ”, FOAL: Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages, USA,
33. Yu Y., Kienzle J. “Towards an Efficient Aspect Precedence Model”, Proceeding of the DAW, pp 156-167, England,
34. ROOTS. “LogicAJ – A Uniformly Generic and Interference- Aware Aspect Language”. 2005.
35. Monga M., Beltagui F., Blair L. “Investigating Feature Interactions by Exploiting Aspect Oriented Programming”, Technical Report N comp-002-2003, Lancaster University, Inglaterra, 2003.
36. Tanter E., Noye J. “A Versatile Kernel for Multi-Language AOP”, Proceeding of ACM SIGPLAN/SIGSOFT – Conference on GPCE. LNCS, Springer-Verlag, Estonia, 2005.
37. Durr P., Staijen T., Bergmans L., Aksit M. “Reasoning about semantic conflicts between aspects”. In K. Gybels, M.
D’Hondt, I. Nagy and R. Douence, editors, 2nd European Interactive Workshop on Aspects in Software, 2005.
38. Kessler B, Tanter E. “Analyzing Interactions of Structural Aspects”. Workshop AID in 20th. ECOOP. France, 2006.
39. Sampaio A., Loughran N., Rashid A., Rayson P. “Mining Aspects in Requirements”, Workshop on Early
Aspects, AOSD 2005.
40. Homepage of AOSD:
41. Homepage de AspectJ Xerox, PARC, USA
42. Homepage Early Aspects: Aspect Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design
43. Vanoli V., Marcos C. “Administración Temprana de Conflictos entre Aspectos”. III WISBD. XII CACIC. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Potrero de los Funes, San Luis. Octubre 2006. ISBN 950-609-050-5.
44. Araújo J., Moreira A., Brito I., Rashid A. “Aspect-Oriented Requirements with UML”. Workshop: Aspect-oriented Modeling with UML. Dresden, Germany. October 2002.
45. Brito I. “Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering”. UML. Lisbon, Portugal. October 2004.
46. Kassab M., Constantinides C., Ormandjieva O. “Specifying and Separating Concerns from Requirements to Design: A Case Study”. International Multi-Conference on Automation, Control, and Information Technology,
Anaheim, California, USA: ACTA Press. pp. 18-27. 2005
47. Katz S., Rashid A. “From Aspectual Requirements to Proof Obligations for Aspect-Oriented Systems”. International
Conference on RE, Japon, IEEE Computer Society Press. Pp 48-57, 2004.
48. Tessier F., Badri M., Badri L. “A Model-Based Detection of Conflicts Between Crosscutting Concern: Towards a
Formal Approach”. International WAOSD. China, 2004.
49. Haak B., Díaz M., Marcos C., Pryor J. “Aspects Extractor: Identificación de Aspectos en la Ingeniería de
Requerimientos”. IDEAS’06 9° Workshop Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Requisitos y Ambientes de Software. La Plata, Argentina, 2006.
50. Douence, R., Fradet, P., Südholt, M. “A Framework for the Detection and Resolution of Aspect Interactions” (2002).
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN SIGSOFT Conference on GPCE.
51. ROOTS (2005) “LogicAJ – A Uniformly Generic and Interference-Aware Aspect Language”; http://roots.iai.unibonn.
52. Casas, S., Marcos, C., Vanoli, V., Reinaga, H., Saldivia, C., Prior, J. y Sierpe, L. (2005) “ASTOR: Un Prototipo para la Administración de Conflictos en AspectJ”, XIII Encuentro Chileno de Computación, Jornadas Chilenas de
Computación (JCC 05), Chile.
53. Pryor, J., Marcos, C. (2003) “Solving Conflicts in Aspect- Oriented Applications”. Proceedings of the Fourth ASSE. 32JAIIO. Argentina.
54. Monga, M., Beltagui, F., Blair, L. (2003) “Investigating Feature Interactions by Exploiting Aspect Oriented
Programming”, TR N comp-002-2.003, Lancaster University, Inglaterra.
55. Durr, P., Staijen, T., Bergmans, L., Aksit, M. (2005) “Reasoning about semantic conflicts between aspects”. In K.
Gybels, M. D’Hondt, I. Nagy, and R. Douence, editors, 2nd European Interactive Workshop on Aspects in Software.
56. Kessler, B. and Tanter, E. (2006) “Analyzing Interactions of Structural Aspects”. Workshop AID in 20th. European
Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP). France.
57. Tessier, F., Badri, M., Badri, L. (2004) “A Model- Based Detection of Conflicts Between Crosscutting
Concern: Towards a Formal Approach”, International Workshop on Aspect – Oriented Software Development (WAOSD 04), China.
Irwin. “Aspect-Oriented Programming”, European Conference on Object Oriented Programming (ECOOP),
2. Universidad del Bío-Bío. Profesor Guía. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales. Departamento de Sistemas de
3. METRICAS APLICADAS A LA PROGRAMACION ORIENTADA A ASPECTOS (Worskshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación WICC-2006) Lorena S. Baigorria, Germán Montejano Departamento de Informática, Universidad Nacional de San Luis San Luis- CP 5700- Argentina
4. Junichi Suzuki, Yoshikazu Yamamoto. Extending UML with Aspect: Aspect Support in the Design Phase. 3er Aspect-OrientedProgramming (AOP) Workshop at ECOOP’99.
5. Mira Mezini (Programación orientada a aspectos y el razonamiento modular).
6. Cristina VideiraLopes (Programación orientada a aspectos).
7. Karl Lieberherr (Programación orientada a aspectos con los métodos adaptativos), Stefan Hanenberg (¿Cuál es el
impacto de la programación orientada a aspectos sobre el mantenimiento de software? Un estudio empírico con
AspectJ y Java (Tesis de Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Computación, 2010).
8. Shyam R. Chidamber, Chris F. Kemerer. A Metrics suite for Object Oriented design. M.I.T. SloanSchool of Management E53-315. 1993
9. Daniela Glasberg, Khaled El Emam, WalcelioMelo, NazimMadhavji: Validating Object-Oriented Design Metrics
on a Commercial Java Application. 2000.
10. Houari A. Sahraoui, Robert Godin, ThierryMiceli: Can Metrics Help Bridging the Gap Between the Improvement of
OO Design Quality and Its Automation.
11. Administración de conflictos entre Aspectos en AspectJ. Sandra Casas, Claudia Marcos, VerónicoVanoli,
HectorReinaga, Luis Sierpe, jane Pryor y Claudio Saldivia. In Proceedings of the Six Argentine Symposium on
Software Engineering (ASSE´2005) ISSN 1666 1087, 34 JAIIO (JornadasArgentinas de Informática e InvestigaciónOperativa) ISSN 1666, pp 111-125. Rosario Agosto 2005.
12. OMG Unified Modeling Language specification
13. Jingjun Zhang; Yuejuan Chen; Guangyuan Liu; Modeling Aspect-Oriented Programming with UMLProfile Education
Technology and Computer Science, 2009. ETCS '09. First International Workshop on
14. N. Debnath L. Baigorria, D. Riesco, G. Montejano “Metrics Applied to Aspect Oriented Design Using UML Profiles”
IEEE symposium on computers and communications 2008 (ISCC 2008) Press Marruecos.
15. Jos Warner; AnnekeKleppe; “The Object Constraint Language” Precise Modeling with UML; Eddison Wesley
Publishing 1999.
16. OCL2.0 Specification,, Julio del 2008.
17. On the role of scientific thought. Prof. Dr. Edsger W Dijkstra. Burroughs Research Fellow 30th August 1974 xx/EWD447.html
18. Adaptive Object-Oriented Software - The Demeter Meted, Karl Lieberherr, College of Computer Science, Northeastern University Boston, 1996
19. Aspect-Oriented Programming GregorKiczales, John Lamping, AnuragMendhekar, Chris
Maeda, Cristina Videira Lopes, Jean-Marc Loingtier, John Irwin
20. Visión general de la Programación Orientada a Aspectos Antonia Mª Reina Quintero Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos Universidad de Sevilla Diciembre, 2000
21. Extending UML with Aspects: Aspect Support in the Design Phase Junichi Suzuki, Yoshikazu Yamamoto
3rd Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) Workshop at ECOOP’99
22. From AOP to UML: Towards an Aspect-Oriented Architectural Modeling Approach Mohamed M. Kandé, JörgKienzle and Alfred Strohmeier Software Engineering Laboratory Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
CH - 1015 Lausanne EPFL Switzerland
23. A UML Profile for Aspect Oriented Modeling Omar Aldawud, TzillaElrad, AtefBader OOPSLA 2001 workshop on Aspect Oriented Programming
24. UML Profile Definition for Dealing with the Notification Aspect in Distributed Environments José Conejero, Juan Hernández, Roberto Rodríguez 6th International Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modeling March 14, 2005, Chicago, Illinois, USA
25. Want My AOP (Part 1, 2 and 3)RamnivasLaddad Java World, January 2002 aspect.html
26. Programación Orientada a Aspectos, análisis del paradigma Fernando Asteasuain, Bernardo Ezequiel Contreras
Tesis de Licenciatura Departamento de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación, UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL SUR, Argentina, Octubre de 2002
27. AspectJ Project
28. The AspectJ Programming Guide
29. L. Berger, “Junction Point Aspect: A Solution to Simplify Implementation of Aspect Languages and Dynamic Management of Aspect Programs”, in Proceedings of ECOOP 2000, Junio de 2000, Francia.
30. Duoence R., Fradet P., Südholt M. “Detection and Resolution of Aspect Interactions”, Technical Report Nº4435, INRIA, ISSN 0249-6399, Francia, 2002.
31. Duoence R., Fradet P., Südholt M. “A Framework for the Detection and Resolution of Aspect Interaction”, In
Proceeding of GPCE 2002, vol. 2487 of LNCS, USA, 2002, Springer Verlag, pp 173-188.
32. Storzer M., Krinkle J. “Interference Analisys for AspectJ”, FOAL: Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages, USA,
33. Yu Y., Kienzle J. “Towards an Efficient Aspect Precedence Model”, Proceeding of the DAW, pp 156-167, England,
34. ROOTS. “LogicAJ – A Uniformly Generic and Interference- Aware Aspect Language”. 2005.
35. Monga M., Beltagui F., Blair L. “Investigating Feature Interactions by Exploiting Aspect Oriented Programming”, Technical Report N comp-002-2003, Lancaster University, Inglaterra, 2003.
36. Tanter E., Noye J. “A Versatile Kernel for Multi-Language AOP”, Proceeding of ACM SIGPLAN/SIGSOFT – Conference on GPCE. LNCS, Springer-Verlag, Estonia, 2005.
37. Durr P., Staijen T., Bergmans L., Aksit M. “Reasoning about semantic conflicts between aspects”. In K. Gybels, M.
D’Hondt, I. Nagy and R. Douence, editors, 2nd European Interactive Workshop on Aspects in Software, 2005.
38. Kessler B, Tanter E. “Analyzing Interactions of Structural Aspects”. Workshop AID in 20th. ECOOP. France, 2006.
39. Sampaio A., Loughran N., Rashid A., Rayson P. “Mining Aspects in Requirements”, Workshop on Early
Aspects, AOSD 2005.
40. Homepage of AOSD:
41. Homepage de AspectJ Xerox, PARC, USA
42. Homepage Early Aspects: Aspect Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design
43. Vanoli V., Marcos C. “Administración Temprana de Conflictos entre Aspectos”. III WISBD. XII CACIC. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Potrero de los Funes, San Luis. Octubre 2006. ISBN 950-609-050-5.
44. Araújo J., Moreira A., Brito I., Rashid A. “Aspect-Oriented Requirements with UML”. Workshop: Aspect-oriented Modeling with UML. Dresden, Germany. October 2002.
45. Brito I. “Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering”. UML. Lisbon, Portugal. October 2004.
46. Kassab M., Constantinides C., Ormandjieva O. “Specifying and Separating Concerns from Requirements to Design: A Case Study”. International Multi-Conference on Automation, Control, and Information Technology,
Anaheim, California, USA: ACTA Press. pp. 18-27. 2005
47. Katz S., Rashid A. “From Aspectual Requirements to Proof Obligations for Aspect-Oriented Systems”. International
Conference on RE, Japon, IEEE Computer Society Press. Pp 48-57, 2004.
48. Tessier F., Badri M., Badri L. “A Model-Based Detection of Conflicts Between Crosscutting Concern: Towards a
Formal Approach”. International WAOSD. China, 2004.
49. Haak B., Díaz M., Marcos C., Pryor J. “Aspects Extractor: Identificación de Aspectos en la Ingeniería de
Requerimientos”. IDEAS’06 9° Workshop Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Requisitos y Ambientes de Software. La Plata, Argentina, 2006.
50. Douence, R., Fradet, P., Südholt, M. “A Framework for the Detection and Resolution of Aspect Interactions” (2002).
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN SIGSOFT Conference on GPCE.
51. ROOTS (2005) “LogicAJ – A Uniformly Generic and Interference-Aware Aspect Language”; http://roots.iai.unibonn.
52. Casas, S., Marcos, C., Vanoli, V., Reinaga, H., Saldivia, C., Prior, J. y Sierpe, L. (2005) “ASTOR: Un Prototipo para la Administración de Conflictos en AspectJ”, XIII Encuentro Chileno de Computación, Jornadas Chilenas de
Computación (JCC 05), Chile.
53. Pryor, J., Marcos, C. (2003) “Solving Conflicts in Aspect- Oriented Applications”. Proceedings of the Fourth ASSE. 32JAIIO. Argentina.
54. Monga, M., Beltagui, F., Blair, L. (2003) “Investigating Feature Interactions by Exploiting Aspect Oriented
Programming”, TR N comp-002-2.003, Lancaster University, Inglaterra.
55. Durr, P., Staijen, T., Bergmans, L., Aksit, M. (2005) “Reasoning about semantic conflicts between aspects”. In K.
Gybels, M. D’Hondt, I. Nagy, and R. Douence, editors, 2nd European Interactive Workshop on Aspects in Software.
56. Kessler, B. and Tanter, E. (2006) “Analyzing Interactions of Structural Aspects”. Workshop AID in 20th. European
Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP). France.
57. Tessier, F., Badri, M., Badri, L. (2004) “A Model- Based Detection of Conflicts Between Crosscutting
Concern: Towards a Formal Approach”, International Workshop on Aspect – Oriented Software Development (WAOSD 04), China.